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I was such a cute baby 👶🏼😻 Bond Act of Three 😱👌🏼

I was such a cute baby 👶🏼😻 Bond Act of Three 😱👌🏼

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"Lovino Vargas?"
"Here." Antonio's boy had grown quite a bit over the past twelve years. Arthur had caught glimpses of him every once in a while when he came to pick stuff up for his mother, but he hadn't spoken to the teen, well, ever.
"And Matthew Williams?"
There he was, all grown up. He was wearing glasses now and was tall. A whole head taller than Francis and Arthur. His hairstyle was still the same but he had outgrown his chubby face. Arthur nearly cried when he saw him. There was so much of his life that he missed. Maybe if he hadn't made that one mistake. Everything would have been so different.
"Alright. Let's get homeroom started. First we're going to choose class representatives and then I'll hand out schedules. And volunteers?"
A few hands went up, including Matthew and Lovino's. Arthur wrote the names on the board and made everybody close their eyes and vote. Once the entire process was over Matthew had ten votes and Lovino had eight, more than any other candidates.
"Brilliant. Matthew and Lovino can pass out the schedules and then you can all head to class."


(Matthew's POV)
"The English teacher seems like a total dick."
"Everybody says that. He's been a dick since the beginning of time."
"He's not that bad." Matthew sighed as he poked at his lunch. Lovino rolled his eyes.
"Just be glad you don't have him for English, Alfred. He'd fail you in a heartbeat."
"He wouldn't fail me with Mattie around!" Alfred boasted, putting his arm around his little brother. "Who could say no to his pouty little face."
"My face is not pouty!"
"Is too!"
"Is not!" Matthew jabbed Alfred in the ribcage and the older twin coughed.
Lovino groaned and picked up the waffles his mother had packed in his lunch. He put them back in his bag for later and started munching on a tomato. "Are you two bastards coming over for movies later?"
"I'm not. Papa got on my ass for my bad grades last year so I have to have a tutor." Alfred groaned.
"If you would have just listened to me earlier..."
"Mattie, my man, I love ya, but you're just too proactive."
"You're too lazy."
"Guys! Stop fighting." Lovino snipped. "You're giving me a headache."
"Looks like it's just me and Lovi for the night." Matthew was partially excited to have a break from Alfred, but was also nervous about not having him around for the night.
Plus, they were teenagers. Matthew couldn't exactly take his teddy bear with him.
"I'll see you after class. We have English last." Lovino stood up.
"Bye." Matthew waved at his friend as he walked away.
"Look, Mattie, if you need anything tonight just text me. I'll come right away." Alfred whispered low enough that nobody would hear.
"I'm not five anymore, Al." Matthew shrugged, but he was grateful to have a brother like Alfred.
"Right. Let's get to math. You need to teach me some of this shit."
The brothers stood and headed off to class.
Things were going to change this year.
But the boys didn't know how much.

I've started an eremin. It's probably on my profile by now if everything went smoothly!
It's called Heartbeat.

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