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"Welcome! Dinner is almost ready!" Francis was the one to greet the first guests. It was Antonio and Bella with their son, Lovino.
Arthur could still remember when the couple adopted him. He was only a year old when they took him in. He was the same age as the twins, now that Arthur thought about it.
"Francis, guess what?!"
"Bella and I finally got accepted for adoption!"
"Really! Zhat's great!!"
Seeing Francis's excitement that day had been what made Arthur to decide to adopt. It was the reason they had two adorable boys.
Of course...one of those boys had something nasty bouncing around in his body...but that was besides the point.
"Arzhur, your friends are 'ere!"
Arthur broke out of his thoughts, looking up to see Vlad and Lukas coming through the doorway, Matthias in tow.
"Welcome!" Arthur got up from the couch where the boys were now sleeping and approached his two friends. Vlad handed him a book with a nod.
"This one will help. I know it." He whispered. Arthur nodded and put the book off to the side where he could fetch it later.
"Now zhat we're all 'ere, we can start on zhe food!" Francis put his arm around Arthur and kissed his head.
"Great! I'm starving!" Matthias grinned.
"Where's Gil?" Antonio asked, taking a seat at the table and pulling a grumpy Lovino into his lap.
"Gilbert is spending Christmas in Germany." Francis answered. He slipped away from Arthur and went into the kitchen to collect the boys.
Bella squealed when Francis brought them out, each one latched onto his hand. They both rubbed their eyes sleepily.
"Zhey are so adorable!" Bella knelt down, grinning happily. "And zhey look so sleepy!"
"They had a bit of a scare earlier when Francis cut his hand so we put them down for a nap." Arthur explained. Bella cupped Matthew's face and cooed.
"I've got to bring zhem over for waffles some time!"
Matthew's eyes lit up and Francis let out a hearty laugh.
"'E really 'as a sweet toozh."
The smaller boy nodded.
"Alright! I imagine everybody is starving." Arthur clapped and started to serve the food, the only part of the cooking process he was allowed to do.
The large group of friends chatted and laughed like they did every year, except this time they were much more lively. Everything seemed much more cheerful this year. Maybe it was the children...or maybe it was because Lukas and Vlad hadn't come over in years.
Arthur had never seen Matthew eat so much in his life and somehow, the same went for Alfred.
"I'm going to the bathroom!" Vlad stood from the table and walked away.
"Hey Francis, pass the salt!" Matthias requested.
"Arzhur is right next to you." Francis quipped. Arthur rolled his eyes while the rest of the table laughed with the exception of the children and Antonio who just didn't know what was going on.
A scream suddenly rang out through the house.
"Was that Vlad?" Lukas asked, shocked.
If there was one thing about the Romanian that everybody knew, it was that it was hard to make him scream.
So whatever was happening to him was absolutely terrifying.

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