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"Boys, get the hell out!" Arthur struggled to keep the three children away from the bathroom Francis looked ready to throw up.
Their bathroom floors, once a pristine white, were soaked with red.
"Somebody spilled liquid soap on the floor." Lukas said, kneeling down to expect the substance. Lovino started to cry and Bella picked him up and cradled him. Everybody was running on nothing but shock. This was the second death in the household this month.
"I need to sit down." Arthur felt dizzy. Francis guided him to the couch and set both boys beside him.
"Just take deep breazhs. I'll call an ambulance."
Arthur nodded and used the boys as a sort of teddy bear. They were warm and anchored him to reality.
"I think the rest of you guys should head home. We'll handle the rest."
Their guests all nodded and filed out of the house. Arthur hoped that the next time he saw them, nothing bad would happen.


They didn't end up doing their regular Christmas stuff until after dark. It took a while for everything to settle down and Arthur was still in shock, but holding onto Francis's hand really helped.
The presents were an easy distraction for the twins. Francis had given Matthew a giant stuffed bear, just over the boy's size to help him with his shyness. He had explained to Arthur after he bought the toy that having something soft and cushioned to hold onto would help him move out of Alfred's bed and into his own.
Alfred got a box of chicken nuggets, which he was super excited about.
By the time the boys had to go to bed, they had forgotten about the commotion of the night.
Well, Alfred did at least. Matthew wouldn't let Francis and Arthur leave their bedroom until he fell asleep, which took quite a while. Francis held the boy's hand and Arthur pet his hair.
When the boy's breathing finally slowed and his eyes fell shut, the couple left the room and headed to their own.
"Mon dieu." Francis stripped down and changed into his pyjamas before collapsing on his side of the bed.
"I want to sleep for decades." Arthur didn't even bother to change his clothes. He curled up next to his husband and closed his eyes.
"Bon nuit."
"Uh...Francis..." Arthur let the Frenchman's hands slide under his shirt where it was much warmer.
"Hypothetically, what would you do if I said Matthew was being possessed by something?"
"I'd tell you to stop being silly and go to sleep."
Arthur sighed. "That's what I thought."
"You need to stop reading zhose books. It's like researching a disease and zhinking you 'ave it."
"I will, eventually." Arthur rolled over and pulled the blankets around himself.
"I don't feel like cuddling tonight. It's too hot."
Arthur heard Francis sigh and shift into a comfortable spot.
This was going to be a tiring night.

I'm planning to make this story into a two parter. The first part ends today in one or two chapters time and the second will begin afresh in 2017.
I hope you guys have a great holiday season and make sure to appreciate your families!
And that includes your mama shick!
(I still didn't get those dildos in the mail from my birthday smh)

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