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Old people are quick to dis modern technology when us young people are making connections all over the world but god forbid they don't have the latest gadgets to keep their bigoted asses alive.

"You came!" Bella greeted Arthur that Saturday at her door.
"I had to." Arthur held out the plate of cookies he had attempted to make. She took them with a forced smile.
"Thank you. Please come in."
"Amigo! Long time no see! Time for battleship no?!" Antonio was clearly drunk but he wasn't a bad drunk. He was sitting on the couch watching Lovino play games on his phone.
"I'll kick your ass!"
"Bring it on! The Spanish Armada is ready!"
Arthur actually had fun that night. He beat Antonio at battleship until the Spaniard started crying and his son laughed at him.
Arthur found himself smiling more than he had in a while. Maybe he just had to get out more. He was sure that simply being this close to his family would help him regain the sanity he had lost.
"Can I ask?" Antonio slurred, leaning on the back of the couch. "Do you still love Francis?"
Arthur was caught off guard. He thought it was obvious.
"Ohhhh! This is muy scandalous!"
"Did Mr. Kirkland date Mattie's dad or something?" Lovino asked, crossing his legs.
"Artie was married to Francey Pants."
"He was? Does Matthew know?"
Arthur shrugged. "I doubt it."
"What did you two break up over again?"
"Toni, Arrêt." Bella hissed.
"It's complicated." Arthur had no idea what excuse Francis had used to explain to his friends what had happened but he knew it wasn't the truth.
At that point, Bella's older brother walked in, long pipe in his mouth and stoic look on his face.
"I watered the plants in the hallway for you. They looked a little parched."
"Gracias, Lars!" Antonio grinned.
"I didn't do it for you, moron." Lars rolled his eyes and walked out of the room to join the partygoers in the kitchen.
"He's off to flirt with Alfonso again, isn't he?"
"Leave them alone, Antonio." Bella rolled her eyes.
"Two can play at that game." Antonio grinned at Bella and took her hands. Bella giggled as her husband pulled her out of the room to do the unthinkable. Lovino groaned and stormed out of the room, embarrassed by his parents' actions.
Now that he had made an appearance and was no longer needed, Arthur decided that he should leave.
He sulked out of the home and into the rain.

The Darkness BeneathTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon