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"Boys! Breakfast!" Francis called up the stairs.
Arthur looked up from his newspaper, hearing a series of heavy thumps heading down the stairs.
"FOOOOOOOOOOD!" Alfred yelled, jumping onto a kitchen chair.
"Aye! I'm always a slut for breakfast!"
"Shut up, Alister." Arthur groaned.
"Where's Matthieu?"
"He stayed upstairs."
"Arzhur, go get Matthiew, si vous plais."
Arthur nodded and stood from his seat. He rolled up his newspaper and headed up to the boys' room.
"Matthew? Breakfast time." Arthur opened the door, seeing Matthew sitting on the floor. The boy turned his head toward his new father, eyes glowing Crimson. The Brit took a step back, shocked.
The blond blinked and his eyes went back to their normal colour.
"There...there's...there's breakfast on the table."
"Okay." Matthew stood and reached his hand toward Arthur.
The Brit hesitated to take it, but fear pushed him to do so. He didn't know what he had just witnessed, but it shot him with a dose of unease.
Maybe he had imagined it. He did tend to see things that nobody else could.
Arthur blinked, the hair on the back of his neck lowering. "Yeah?"
"Are we going?"
"Yeah. Sorry." Arthur started to walk, Matthew toddling behind him. They made their way to the kitchen where Francis was setting down pancakes. Matthew's eyes lit up and he jumped into the chair next to his brother.
He dug into the food like he hadn't eaten in years. Francis beamed.
"Somebody's 'ungry!"
Matthew nodded, shoving more of the meal into his chubby face.
"What's wrong, brother?" Alister asked, mouth still full.
Arthur blinked. "Nothing. And mind your manners."
"Aren't ya a cutie!" Alister snorted. Arthur glared at him.
"You look like you've seen a ghost, zhough." Francis agreed. "Is everything okay?"
"Yeah." Arthur lied, keeping his eyes off Matthew. "Everything is fine."

This is probably going to have shorter chapters because I'm not as good at writing horror and I don't really have a whole lot of ideas but I'm open to more and I will try to keep the chapters at four hundred words at least.
Just not this chapter.
I've said enough.

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