Chapter Five: Maveric High

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I ran down the stone steps beneath the castle. I came into a hallway lined with old rotting wood doors. I hurried to the nearest door and opened it. An old star sat in a chair with his back to me. The room was filled with books. On shelves, in piles, and on desks. There was a rickety bed in the corner and an old desk. One candle burned covered in wax that had dripped down the side and onto the candle holder, trying to push away the darkness that silently crept in the corners of the room. His glow was much dimmer than the younger stars for he was our oldest star. He knew everything there is to know and we sometimes call on him to give advice.

"Drandich, I need your help."

"Ah, you have grown my dear North Star since I last saw you. What is it that you need?" Since I am the daughter of the king the second most powerful star next to the middle star of Orion's belt, is the North Star. And I am that star. Also, I come here quite often and I have no star Grandparents, so Drandich is like a grandfather to me.

"Drandich, today I heard of two people that would help me stop the war. Is there anything about these people that you know?"

"Who are they?"

"The Moon and Sun Guardians."

"Oh my, those two." He began muttering to himself worriedly.

"Drandich?" He stood up, his eyes glowing gold.

"When the moon, the sun, and star guardians meet, peace and balance will rule for all. But. The light destroys the night and the night strangles the light. If they fail all will be destroyed...." Drandich shook his head lightly and sat down again.

"I believe that the people you are looking for are sophomores at the high school of Maveric High in Miami. You may go there to seek them out. But, they might not know who they are. Take care of yourself North." He stood up and kissed my cheek.

I backed out of the room and raced up the stairs. I ran as fast as I could to the river and stopped. The river had all the planets of our universe in it. The Sun, the Moon, Neptune, Mars, Saturn, the earth, and all the others. I looked at the turning earth below me. It was so peaceful there. They had no idea what would come if I failed. I took a deep breath and jumped into the river. I felt myself falling through the air, planets whizzed past me as I flew through the galaxy. Then I felt a jolt and I was standing on my roof again looking up at the sky. Constellations slightly moved to greet each other. Only another star could recognize the movement of the stars. I scampered light as a feather back to my window and into my bed.

The next morning I ran downstairs.

"Mom! Mom? Where are you?"

"I'm in the kitchen hon." I ran into the kitchen, Nike at my heels.

"Mom, I need to tell you something ." I rested my elbows on the counter and looked at my mom who's back was facing me.

"What is it, Alena?" She scurried over to the stove to flip some pancakes over.

"I saw dad last night." She froze. Her spatula in the air. Then, she shook her head lightly, brushing my sentence off and responded.

"Oh, and what did he want?"

"He sent me to Slandoria to chase away some Nartoches. But, they had already destroyed the town and killed all the stars that were there."

I dropped a ripped black flag on the counter. And sighed.

"I turned around and found a dying man on the ground. He said I could stop the war. That I had to find the Moon and Sun, guardians. I was so confused that I went to Drandich, and he too told me that these people were the key. And that they were in the school of Maveric high. In Miami. Mom, this could stop the war. I need to go."

I braced myself for my mom's response.

"Then go. I will come with you but you know that we will be moving away from the entrance to Eosphoros and you won't be able to just go to your father whenever you feel like it."

"I know. But when this is over we can move back. Or even live up there. I know that you left to protect me. But without the war, we will be safe there."

" I know, now get ready for breakfast. We have a lot to talk about. "

A week later we hopped on a plane and flew from Saskatchewan down to Miami Florida. We picked up our new car and drove to the place we would be staying. It was a nice three layer house near the high school. I dragged my suitcase into my new bedroom and flopped down on the bed. I closed my eyes as a wave of memories flooded my mind. The fire was all around us. My mom was holding a child and Nartoches were trying to break down the door. My father lifted up a tile from the floor and yelled,

"Go! Take the child and leave. I'll be right behind you." My mom slid into the hole and my father put the tile back. My mother was running through a dark passage. She tripped and fell on the hard earth. I flew out of her arms and hit the ground. She ran and scooped me up and kept on going. Finally, she made it to the river. She jumped and fell from the sky. I sat bolt upright and almost fell off my bed. Did that really happen? I was always told that she left before the attack. I leaned back breathing heavily, thoroughly confused. I looked out my bed room door and heard my mom's light snores. looked forlornly at my bag. I had school tomorrow and I knew that I needed to unpack. But I was so tired that I closed my eyes and soon fell asleep.

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