Chapter Twenty-One: The Journey

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I hurried down the hall and flung open a door. I walked in, my room was the same as always, in fact, it was like I never left. My bed was still perfectly made, the light gray walls slightly glowed when the Sun hit them. My light blue curtains and duvet gave my room a colorful pop. I fell onto my bed wrinkling the cover, but I didn't care. The Sun streamed in from my window wrapping me in a blanket of light. I could stay here forever. Peacefully laying here, not a care in the world, no rock, no Nartoches, and no war. Just me, my books, and I. I closed my eyes but as I did I heard the cries of my stars. I have to do this. I must. Turning over I pushed myself up off my bed and grabbed my pack. It was light and never got any heavier no matter what you put in it.

I grabbed a new pair of stretchy jeans and a long shirt. I put them on then raced around the room putting things into my bag. I put a pair of normal clothes, and a pair of winter clothes, I also put a blanket, a book (LOTR), food from the kitchen, a frying pan, matches, and a picture of my family. Finally, I put my hand in my pocket and pulled out the stone, still in the sock. I carefully placed the stone on top of it all and closed the bag up. I placed Aileen in their sheaths on my back and went through a mental checklist to see if I got everything. Confident I did I then turned quickly, my hand flew through the air and hit a wooden box, that fell and hit the ground, the lid partiality open. A quiet tune played, I bent down and picked up my jewelry box. It had a picture of a Willow tree and a young girl on a swing. I opened the box fully and saw a small silver chain. I picked it up and saw a sparkling ball at the end of it. Though, it wasn't a ball. It was a star, my star, the north star. When a star is born it is given a star in the sky. The living star takes the place of the original star. Most original stars are lost, but my parents were able to retrieve my brothers and mine. The north star, and the middle star of Orion's belt. I looked at the white glimmering star then undid the clasp and put it around my neck. After putting the box in its proper place I turned and left the room to find the others. As I opened the door though I almost ran head first into Tsuki and Eliana. I jumped back, surprised.

"Tsuki! Eliana!" I calmed myself down then smoothed down a wrinkle in my jeans.

"What are you two doing? Do you need some help?"

"Um, yeah. Can we come in?" Tsuki said quietly. Immediately I knew something was up. The girls sat down on my bed as I closed the door and locked it to ensure privacy. I turned to them Tsuki and Eliana looked at me with worried faces.

"What's up?" Eliana took a deep breath.

"I killed a star. By accident."

"What?!" I didn't mean to freak out but killing a star is serious, even by accident.

"She didn't know what she was doing," Tsuki cut in, "He was making fun of her, then I guess she lost it and killed him. But, there's more to it, he was carrying these." She threw a brown bag on the bed and a handful of bronze stars spilled out. I gasped, no normal star would have this kind of currency. It normally goes to the Royals or the nobles of the kingdom. Each star counts for one hundred silver stars.

"Was he rich?" I said turning the star over.

"What?" Eliana said, confused.

"Did he look rich, you know richly dressed?" Eliana thought for a moment.

"No, actually he looked poor." A deep fear settled into my stomach.

"I should have never brought us here," I whispered. "We need to leave, now."

"Wait, leave? Why?" Tsuki asked.

"The Nartoches know that we are here, that man was paid by someone rich, probably to get Eliana mad and use her powers. No normal citizen would have stars of that amount, with that value just hanging around on their belt. And, I bet that man wasn't even a star."

"So what do we do?" Eliana asked worriedly, but her face showed relief.

"Go to your rooms and pack. Do not leave them until I come for you,"

I opened the door and ushered them out, I ran down the kitchens and grabbed some extra food for us. Once I had smuggled the food from the kitchen I ran upstairs and burst into Tsuki's room. She was sitting on her bed with a far away look on her face.

"Hey, what are you thinking about?" Tsuki blinked and looked at me funny.


"What are you thinking about?"

"Oh, just my moon."

"And who is this moon of yours?"


"My father taught me to read people, it's good for battle strategy, to see if someone is lying. I can tell what people are thinking by their voice and facial expressions."

"His name is Kaito, he's my other half. The other half of my moon."

"Oh, and when you came down to earth you were separated." I felt her pain, but for her, she has already had everything ripped out of her hands, it will happen to me if we fail. I put my arm around her.

"Come on, let's go get Eliana."

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