Chapter Twenty-Four: Plan A

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I woke up and the break of dawn, the Sun was coming around covering the moon, the light from the Sun was beginning to stream in through the trees.

Tsuki and Eliana were sound asleep on the soft grass. All vegetation was black and glistened in the realm of the stars, the ground was soft and packed down like dirt, but was black and white. I stood up and brushed myself off. The grass slipped in the spaces between my toes tickling them. I forlornly looked at my shoes laying beside my bag. Turning I ran and weaved my way through the trees until I came to a small white pond with black reeds poking out of the water. I sat down on a rock and dipped my slender feet into the water. Small fish swam up to me and started to nibble my toes. I giggled and moved my feet making a small splash and causing the fish to scatter. My smile faltered as the memory of Eliana hitting my father popped into my head. Sadness gripped my heart and a small sob escaped my lips. I stifled the sob and quickly turned around checking behind me. I could not show weakness, not now, not when my people depend on me. I turned back and traced my finger along the rock's surface. Something shifted in the woods. I jumped up as Tsuki plowed out of the woods.

"There you are! We thought that you had been dragged off by some wild animal."

"Sorry for worrying you, I just wanted to take a walk." I waited for Tsuki to question it, but she just shrugged.

"Eliana is making breakfast, do you want to join us?"

"Sure." I followed Tsuki through the entanglement of branches and back into the clearing. The scent of meat made my mouth water as I realized that I hadn't eaten in a day. We scarfed down the food and Tsuki put out the fire.

"So, how are we going to get to the moon?" Tsuki said looking intently at me.

"Well, there is a ship, that sails from the Sun to the star realm, and back to the moon every full moon. It sails for the full moon and four days after that, then it stops. And waits for the next full moon. Luckily this is the second day that it sails for yesterday was a full moon. It will take us a day to get to its port. That will make it so we get on it the last day it sails. We cannot be delayed or stopped. So, I propose a lesson, for Eliana, on how to fight."

Eliana looked at me alarmed.

"I agree, but first, Eliana you need a weapon. Shovels will not get you past a Nartoch."

Tsuki warned and stood up and walked to a place in the clearing with no obstacles. Eliana and I followed her and she pointed Eliana to a spot opposite to her.

"Okay, Eliana, before we begin you are going to need a weapon." Eliana ran off into the forest and came back with a stick. I shook my head and walked up to her.

"No, you have to make the weapon," I pulled out Aileen. I had created them from the Milky Way when I was fourteen. I held out my hand and Eliana gave me the stick. I turned it right side up and lightly let it touch the ground.

"Hit the end of this stick on the ground." Eliana looked at me strangely, then hit it on the ground, as she did the stick turned into a gold staff. Eliana looked at it in wonder. The stick had turned completely metal and shone like the Sun.

"Okay, now, stand with your legs apart, knees bend and staff up. Like you're about to strike." Eliana got into the position and waited for my next command. I waved my hand over the blades of Aileen and murmured a few words. Aileen flashed gold then blunted the blades so I wouldn't hurt Eliana if she made a wrong move. I stood up straighter and looked her in the eye.

"Now, come at me."


"Strike, try to hit me. Don't worry I won't get hurt."

Eliana looked at me doubtfully then lunged at me swinging her staff. A stream of gold shot from her staff and came towards me. I put my hand up and a burst of silver-gold light stopped Eliana's attack inches from my face. I pushed the bolt away and stood back up. Eliana was kneeling on the ground panting.

"Good, now you will face Tsuki. But this time, don't make your first attack so powerful, it takes away your energy and makes it harder for you to strike again. I stepped aside as Tsuki and Eliana fought, we continued to do this for a while switching between Tsuki and I. Finally dusk came and we packed up our bags and left our little camp site headed for the starport.

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