Chapter Twenty-Two: Shovels Make Good Weapons

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Tsuki and Alena came into my room a half hour after I had packed. There wasn't much that needed packing, I never noticed how little I owned. Nothing but the bare necessities; a few pieces of clothing. Mostly hoodies and sweat pants, because if you're going to be on the run through the galaxy and chased by darkness monsters that want to kill you than you might as well do it comfortably!

Alena politely knocked and when I came out of my room I noticed Tsuki carefully keeping an eye out. Alena pressed a finger to her lips signaling to remain quiet, then she took off running down the same hall that led to the courtyard, then a realized that that's exactly where we were going. My running faltered and doubt started to pour over me. Someone was murdered in that spot and I was the killer. I had already been questioning what had come over me, wondering whether I would do it again if I was safe to be around.

" Eliana lets go," Tsuki instructed, leaving no room for questioning and roughly grabbed my arm as she started to sprint back down the hall to the courtyard.

The garden was exactly like it had been only a couple of hours before, the same flowers that flowed in our presence and the same glowing stones. The same swing and willow tree. I was the only thing that had changed. It had probably only been two hours ago that I had happily hummed to myself but so much can change in only a matter of time. Yet I wasn't the only that changed. Now a man that I had only met once before stood in the garden.

"Father!" Alena half gasped and half shouted upon realizing that we would not make an unnoticed escape.

" Alena," he said warmly but I could see his smile faltering " please don't go. I beg of you, your mother and I have already lost so much, we can not lose you as well," his voice cracked as he spoke. He had reached his hand out to his daughter, begging for any sort of reassurance that his daughter would stay safely with him.

" I-I can't," Alena stuttered with nerves, the way she said it made me wonder if she had ever seen her father so emotional before. He seemed like the kind of person to remain calm and cheery even when things were going wrong, and yet here he was; pain evident in his facial features and asking his daughter not to leave.

" You must, please," tears brimmed his eyes and tears fell down Alena's cheek. My heart melted at the sight. I sensed that I had a broken family, I knew that my parents were killed, that I would never have anything like this ever again. Yet I had it much better than a lot of people, at least I had memories of my family, not that I had them anymore, but things seemed to be slowly coming back to me, more and more things seemed to fall into place and I trusted that I would someday soon remember the faces of my parents. Still, I would also remember the grief I carried that we would never make any new memories. Alena was lucky to have people that cared for her.

" Alena, maybe your dad is right. You should stay with your family. You have a home here and people care about you, keep it while it lasts," I softly suggested, Alena's dad gave me a surprised smile, but Alena just frowned at me, determination set in her eyes.

" We are all a part of a war if you hadn't noticed. All kinds of star beings are out there fighting and dying right now. If I am not willing to risk my life than I cannot ask my people to risk theirs. It's not fair," I nodded, Alena was right; she always seemed to be right, however, something told me that she should stay, that she may never return if she left.

" You understand that more than anyone dad! I promise you that I will come back," Alena pleaded, her father looked as though he would give in but then his face hardened and grabbed Alena's arm, not enough to hurt her, but firmly.

" I gave you a choice, now you have forced me to make on for you," that's when the star guard being things swooped in from the sky. They grabbed on to Alena as her father let go, clenching her arms and dragging her back and she flailed and kicked at the ground, demanding them to let go to no avail, her father looking at her with a melancholy expression. Tsuki and started to pull at the stars but every time we tried to get near they would just swat us away.

Alena kept getting dragged and Tsuki and I kept trying to free her, we almost got her free by grabbing her feet and having a literal Tugga-war with stars over Alena. That all ending when star beings started pulling at Tsuki and I. Their touches were warm, not the good kind of warm, though, the kind of warm that prickles uncomfortably and makes you bead with sweat. I just wanted to get out of their grip.

Alena had been dragged out the door, Tsuki was trying to hold on to the door handle but was losing a hard fought battle, I was nearing the door when I felt a familiar burst of frustration and anger. The same feeling I had felt not too long ago. Anger pulsing through my veins reaching every part of me. From my toes to my fingertips I could feel myself flow a pulsating red fury. My heart hammering against my ribs, pounding for escape. My breaths becoming shallower, searching for air to feed the growing fire. My thoughts becoming blurred and fuzzy, everything masked in a red tint making it hard to think straight. I reached for the nearest thing possible, that happened to be a heavy metal shovel that was lying against the brick wall I was nearing. I threw myself at it, the stars losing their grip on me. The beings, trying to get ahold of me but I already had the shovel clenched in my hands and with one whack of the metal utility the stars were lying on the ground.

I wasn't done yet, I needed to destroy more, anything else I could get my hands on, that seemed to be the king of Eosphoros. With the king currently caught up in watching his daughter being taken away at his wishes, he didn't notice my shovel until it connected with his forehead. He crumpled to the ground like his guards. Everything drained out of me at once. I breathed heavily and looked to the door, Tsuki and Alena were staring at me, worry evident in their features. Guilt consumed me, but at least I hadn't killed anyone.

" Alena -" I started

" It's fine, we have to go now, though. Tsuki and I's guards fled, to get the help I assume. We have to flee as fast as we can," I was surprised how fast Alena could turn off her emotions and get to business. With one last look to her father she made her way to the willow tree, she climbed to the top and then jumped, much like when she jumped off the water tower, she was consumed by the sky. Tsuki pushed past me as she made her way to the tree.

" Tsuki please," I hoped she understood, I didn't mean to do these things they just happened.

" Is there anything you're not telling us? Because it would be useful to know, our lives are dependent on figuring out what is going on and stopping it, and if you are keeping information from us that could help us do that or keep us alive, then our deaths will be on hanging over your head," and with that Tsuki was gone, leaving me to follow.

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