Nartoch Classifications

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(Btw if you wanna know, I'll classify the Nartoches by rarity. First is least rare and last is most.)

Kage (Shades)- Have red eyes, claws, is very tall, moves around slowly, feeds off fear, low magic power, can be found in most dark places

Irujon (Illusion Shadows)- Often take on the form of humans, true form is red eyes, can mimic the voice of people, is agile but cannot fight well, usually alone thus easy to pick off, feeds off insecurities or uncertainty, can be found among many people

Arashi (Storm Shadows)- Usually comes out at night, has wings and a tail with pointed tips, fast flyers but crippled on land, human-like forms with long arms and short legs, red eyes, fights by flying above and attacking with long claws

Dorobo (Shadow Thieves)- Usually found in large numbers, small the size of a toddler, very fast and agile, monkey-like, usually harmless but can cause serious damage when provoked in large numbers

Ite (Shadow Archer)- Very hard to spot, looks like a thin human, dark red-green eyes, has incredible accuracy, incredibly rare, but don't move quickly which make them easy to destroy once spotted, has a snake-like tail

Torikku (Tricking Shadows) - have similar powers to the Irujon, except they can disappear completely into the shadows. Their favorite trick is to mimic the cry of someone that a person loves and lure the person to their demise. Their true form has never been recorded.

Souruita (Soul Eater) - The most dangerous and the rarest Nartoch. These can live inside you like a parasite, conforming you to their will- and their master's if they have one. Eventually, they will consume your soul like a snack and go on to consume other peoples. One touch can put you into a comatose-like state, and if you receive a wound by them you will slowly degenerate to their whims. Fortunately, they are almost non-existent and never live among humans.

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