Chapter Eighteen: Family

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"Come on guys!" I cried as we ran over some train tracks. I could see the tower above the trees. We finally made it to the base of the tower. The dark green evergreen trees swayed lightly in the wind. I felt a sense of familiarity here in Saskatchewan. I made sure that my daggers were secured tightly and my hair was tied back. The others had caught up to me and were looking at the tower with a mild horror on their faces. I laughed and pried the fence open in an area that I had cut open before. Ducking I let Eliana lead the group to the very base of the tower. It was old and rusted, but still very sturdy.

"Are you sure that this is safe?" Tsuki asked looking at me with concern.

"Don't worry, it is a very sturdy tower and won't break," I said then grabbed the edges of the tower, the rusted metal beams were crossed over each other to make a diamond shaped holes in the tower. Using my right foot to push off I swung my left arm up and began to climb. The wind grabbed the loose strands of my hair and whipped them around, making them wrap around each other and hit me in the face. When I reached the top there was a small platform only big enough for five people. I crouched down to avoid being pushed off by the wind. The others clambered up beside me and clustered towards the center of the platform, away from the edges.

"Now what? We jump?" Rayn asked sarcastically.

"Actually yes Rayn, we jump." I turned and bent my knees. But Tsuki stopped me.

"Alena, he was joking." she looked at me and tightened her grip on my shoulder.

"I know," I shrugged her hand off as Tsuki took a step back. I looked up to the stars and jumped.

"No!" Tsuki tried to grab me but I shot upwards, flying away from them and through the galaxy. I landed on the white flecked ground of Starbreak, beside the River. I wasn't long until Tsuki came falling after me. She shot out of the river and into the sky, then began to fall. She yelled as she got closer to the ground. I realized that they didn't know how to stop so I caught Tsuki and set her on the ground just as Eliana came out of the river. After a few more minutes all of us were safely on the ground and ready to go. I turned and started to walk towards the castle. The others were gazing at them in wonder. I lead them through the streets of the kingdom and up to the royal castle. I expected to be let through like normal, no security. But instead, I was stopped by two guards.

"State your name, your status, and your business here." The first guard said he was tall for a star and burly. I looked at me and saw my friends staring at the star with respect, they had never seen a real star before.

" I am princess Alena, the king's daughter, and the North Star. I have come here to request a meeting with my father," I said looking at the guard. Shocked at his mistake, he took a step back and bowed.

"I am so sorry your Highness, of course, you may enter." Raising his right hand he signaled the gatekeepers to open the gates. The large wooden doors opened and the portcullis raised. I walked through the courtyard and into the grand hall. A man stood behind a large desk bent over an old, worn map.

He looked up as we approached,

"Alena?" He asked and squinted at me,

"Father," I hurried over to him and hugged him. My mother emerged from one of the doors behind us and ran over to me.

"Mom! You made it." I hugged her as well, but there was someone missing. I looked around quickly then saw Him. A boy with the same light brown hair as me was standing behind my parents, he looked up his blue eyes widened. I ran, past all the guards and my parents.

The Hidden Three (Book 1 of the Hidden Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now