Chapter Thirteen: Drowning

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Ok... so everything I once held to be true is fake and everything I thought was fake is now my reality. I am a warrior of the sun and fell to earth even though that is scientifically impossible since you can't technically fall from the sun as there is no gravity in space, not to mention that regular people die if they are in space at all. I am supposed to work with these two strangers that I met half an hour ago to prevent multiple different planets and stars from being devoured by darkness which is yet again scientifically impossible because the worst darkness can do is take away one's sense of sight. We are going to have to find a way to communicate, with the freaking moon, which, last I checked had no life on it or believe me I probably would have heard about it. On top of all that, my supposedly best friend, with whom I braided her hair in class and talked about books and movies with and had a regular, normal, everyday relationship with, was a darkness being, undercover that was trying to kill me. Everything is a lie or a misshaped memory that's either fake or too far to grasp. Every conception or idea about how I thought the world worked is only a fraction of what's really going on. Apparently, I have this whole other life on a different planet that I don't remember. If I can't trust myself who can I trust, anyone?

I tried to calm my breathing, in out, in out. It was not working. I'm usually very cheerful and optimistic yet when anxiety and panic come to visit it decides to stay for a while. Another wave of panic, trying to drown out all remaining senses of reality. All of a sudden it felt like I was being pulled under water with it, the air getting pushed out of my lungs, and me having difficulty to put it back in. Someone was saying my name but I was too deep under water. I couldn't get enough air into my lungs, I was drowning in anxiety. I was being pushed further into hysteria. Tears were flooding down my cheeks but I mistook it for an ocean. Another wave pushing me deeper. Then a literal wave of water came crashing onto my face.

I sputtered out some water and looked at who had thrown it in my face. A boy stood in front of me with an empty cup in his hand. Alena turned to the boy surprise evident in her face. The boy looked at us fear shone through his eyes but a deeper emotion was just under it, anger perhaps?

"Who are you people and why are you in Tsuki's house?" The boy demanded. He stepped dangerously towards us. I was getting a bit worried about what he was planning to do but I decided to give him the benefit of the doubt, maybe he lived here, perhaps he was another one of Tsuki's butlers. It would be a bit of a surprise to see two strangers in your living room. Alena, however, was much jumpier and pulled something from out of nowhere. Two daggers were now In her hands, ready to slash anything that could do any harm. I was more than a little surprised and scorched a little farther away from Alena. The boy was also surprised and shuffled back, his arms flying for anything to defend himself. The first thing he found was a lamp, he pushed the lamp shade off and quickly pulled at the base, the plug flying out of the hole in the wall.

"Put the lamp down and back away slowly," Alena said, warning him with her vocals not to do anything stupid.

"Alena, stand down. He's, he's a friend." Tsuki quickly rushed to Alena and gave her a harsh glance; mad that she threatened to skewer her friend. "Rayn! I told you to leave!" She yelled at him, her usually pale face growing redder. They didn't exactly seem like friends.

"There are creepy people in your house!" He yelled, sounding a little freaked out.

"They are supposed to be here!" She breathed through clenched teeth, the frustration evident in her voice.

"I thought they had killed you!" Why would he think she was dead? We didn't look like murders did we?

"Well, I'm not dead! Am I?" His face fell and he said nothing.

"Okay. Who is he, how does he know you, and is he evil or good?" Alena said, making me remember that he could be evil, that Alena thought he could be a Nortoche, like Shannon. Tsuki was about to explain when Rayn butt in.

"Wait. If she gets an explanation I think I deserve one too." I nodded slightly, understanding his confusion and fear, having gone through it myself only a couple minutes prior.

"Then you might want to sit down. We are going to be here a long time." Tsuki said Rayn sat next to me on the couch, keeping his distance. I knew what was coming next, it was probably going to be the same explanation they gave me. Panic bubbled to the surface but I managed to somehow push it down. Tsuki then went into a long winded explanation, most of it recalled what I had already been told. While I was listening I couldn't help but look at Rayn. He was staring at Tsuki, clinging on to every word. I guess he would be dragged down into the anxiety ocean awaiting him, Tsuki was his savior, he was looking at her as though she was his life line.

"So you are the moon, you're the sun, and you are the north star?" He looked at each of us individually, his eyes lingering on Tsuki.

"I don't believe it," Rayn says. That makes the two of us.

"You want some proof?" Alena asked.

"Sure," Tsuki shot her a look I couldn't quite understand. I was beginning to realize that it was hard to understand Tsuki, she was always unreadable and it seemed that she had a bit of a deadly temper, taking her anger out by quiet insults and disapproving looks, not yelling and noise.

'Do you believe?'

I heard in my mind, it was loud, it was more like a cooing whisper.

"You can telepathically speak to us!?" My throat protested from not speaking in a while.

"Well, Ya. Well, Rayn Cassie. Do you believe now?" She asks looking to Rayn who was furiously concentrating on the ground.

"Yes. I do believe. But Tsuki, why didn't you tell me before?" He said looking up at Tsuki with sadly betrayed eyes.

"I didn't tell you because of the problem we have now. You know what we are and it is now unsafe for you to just roam around the earth. Nartoches will be looking for us and when they know that you know the truth about us they will come and torture you. You might not be able to resist them and tell them. Or they will simply just kill you. Our problem is that I don't know where you will be safe." She said, somewhat frustrated, as though she didn't want Rayn's safety upon her shoulders.

"My father," Alena Said out of the blue, perking up and smiling as though she had single-handedly defeated all the Nortoches in the world...or galaxy?

"What?" Tsuki questioned

"We could take him to my father. He would be safe there. Treated with the highest honor for we have never had a full human come to Eosphoros." Where was Eosphoros?

"Well, what about you? You're a human." Rayn said. I let out a sharp breath, even I knew, by the way, Alena talked, that she had meant she wasn't human herself, yet she explained.

"I am not a human. I have a human mother but my father is king Entdril, the high star of Eosphoros. Therefore I am not fully human nor fully star. If I was a star I would look like I was made of gold." I understood but had trouble believing it.

"That is actually not a bad idea. Alena, are you sure that your family will keep Rayn safe?" Tsuki questioned, I could practically see her shoulders sag under the weight of all the stress.

"If I tell them the value Rayn is to the Nartoches my family will literally treat him like a prince. He will be completely protected, besides my mother will be there so there will be extra guards stationed at the castle anyway. War is coming."

"Very well, Rayn, you will go to Eosphoros with us and stay in the castle with Alena's family," Tsuki commanded

"Don't I get a say in this?" Rayn protested

"No, you don't, because you'll just say no. You wanted an explanation and you got one, and here are the consequences." Fair point! "Alena, how do we get to Eosphoros?" Tsuki asked

"Well, that's the hard part. The only known entrance to the kingdom of the stars is in Saskatchewan, Canada. I moved from there to find you guys. I guess we need to get to Saskatchewan, then find some were high." I sucked in a breath. Miami was the only place I had ever known. However short I might have been there ( my memories were jacked up) I still got a nervous feeling of leaving.

"I guess we're going to Saskatchewan," Tsuki announced.

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