Chapter Seventeen: A Little Talk

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(pic is of Rayn)

~Tsuki Hyashi~


By the time dinner came around, I was well washed up and put on my new clothes, and I smelled semi-decent if I may say so myself. Around my waist, I hung my sword on my belt and told Moondust to stay in my room. I headed downstairs, where dinner was prepared by Daisuke and Rayn was sitting there impatiently. When he saw me, he brightened.

"Your house is really cool."

"Thanks. Have you eaten yet?"

"Naw. I was waiting for you."

"Oh... Thanks." I sat down beside him.

"So are you ready to leave?"

"Ready as I'll ever be." He sighed. "But, Tsuki, how was it like being the moon?" I felt my heart sink. This was one of the questions I hope no one would ever ask.

"It's not very pleasant."

"Why?" Rayn sat up.

"You see a lot of things that happen. And there are a lot of bad things." I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to forget all the things I saw- robberies, murders, and other more horrible crimes. "And you just watch it all, helpless to stop it," I said. If I didn't have Kaito, I would've gone mad long ago. Before I knew it, I felt Rayn's hand on mine. I was too shocked to pull away.

"It's okay now, isn't it? Maybe that's why you came here, to help drive the darkness away. We can do it- together." He said, reassuringly. Maybe he wasn't as annoying as I first thought. But I shook my head.

"There's nothing you can do, Rayn. You're human."

"Maybe so, but there are good people too." He smiled.

"Why are you trying so hard..." I whispered.

"Trying hard?"

"Yeah. You never leave me alone, and now you're trying to comfort me, something you can't accomplish."

"I think you're special Tsuki... And it's not just because you're the Moon Guardian or whatnot." I swallowed a huge lump.

"I told you- I'm not like you. You can't do this."

"Do what?" He leaned towards me in concern.

"Nothing. Nevermind." I pulled my hand away and started to eat. Rayn looked at me for a while then ate himself.




We left the next morning. I dismissed Daisuke, who dissipated until I would call him later. Moondust was on my shoulder, and we looked up the fastest way to Canada. We would take a few trains and a few buses. There would be many switches, some not necessary, but necessary to throw any Nartoches off our trail. I packed a large satchel bag, putting my book and my Moon Ring in it. It would be a small feat to hide my sword- which I needed out at all times. Moondust was small enough to fit inside the bag and she disappeared under my flap. I met all the others downstairs and we left in a bus. I watched my house fade in the distance and wished it farewell.

We exchanged a subway after the bus. The ride would be longer, and I was quite tired. Rayn sat to my right, Alena to my left. Eliana sat on her left. I fell asleep on the way there and woke with a start when I realized I fell asleep on Rayn's shoulder. He was asleep too. Alena stayed wide awake, her hands always straying to her daggers, keeping watch for anything amiss. We had to switch trains several times and took an extremely long bus ride over the border. We had to stop and dismount and show the police our passports. I took mine out- to be honest, it was a fake, but my magic was just strong enough to fool the guard and the passport vanished. Alena and Eliana made it through, and Rayn had a real one so we were all free.

The whole ride, in general, took almost a day, and we dismounted in an obscure location somewhere in the heart of Saskatchewan. Alena kept looking around, and soon Rayn did too. When we left the train, we went around the back of the station, following Alena, and sneaking past some guards. Once we spied the tracks, we raced for it, ducking behind parked trains.

"There." Pointed Alena to a large tower.

"Oh, no..." My stomach lurched. My head gave my stomach a heads up. We were gonna jump. We climbed the tower and were now standing at the top. "Are you sure that this is safe?" I asked, glancing at Alena, and leaning slightly over the edge.

"Don't worry, it is a very sturdy tower and won't break," She said, grabbing the beams of rusted metal and climbing the last few rungs.

"Now what? We jump?" Rayn asked sarcastically once we reached the top.

"Actually yes Rayn, we jump." Alena bent her knees and prepared to take off. I was shocked and grabbed her shoulder.

"Alena, he was joking," I said, a bit nervously.

"I know," She said casually. And she jumped. I reached out to grab her, but she was already gone.

"No!" I found myself shouting. Instead of falling down- Alena flew upwards and disappeared in a flash. I gulped.

"Uh... you go first, Tsuki," Rayn said nervously.

"Ha, no."

"Don't worry, I'll catch you if you fall."

"I'm falling away from you, though." I protested. Eliana winced, looking around.

Rayn just shrugged and smiled. I sighed, and jumped, shaking my head. And to my surprise, I was sucked upwards. A bright light flew past me and I fell out of the sky, screaming and flailing my arms.

"HOW DO I STOP???" The ground came closer. "ALEEENAAAAA!!"

An arm shot out of nowhere and pulled me to safety. I stood, panting. I was never doing that again. Eliana came after, then Rayn. He seemed as shaken up as I was, maybe even more. But here we were. Eosphoros. I stared around in awe at the beautiful shimmering scenery. I think I was gonna like it here. I hoped we'd be staying a while.

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