Chapter Thirty-One: Twisted

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~Tsuki Hyashi~


I woke up on a cold stone floor. I tried to lift my head, but it was like carrying a whole house. My body flopped back weakly on the ground. Chains were on my wrists, and my legs too were clamped with the metal. This place- it was literally sapping my strength. I was so tired, and I felt my eyes close again.

A loud crack sounded. A figure towered over me, some barbed wire whip in his hands. I lifted my head a little, surprised to find some energy. I heard a soft laugh.

"The Moon Guardian huh. Look at you, crawling on the ground."

"What?" I glared at him, my voice breaking. He, as he was indeed a man, crouched over me. The whip wound itself around my neck, piercing my skin and making silver drip on the ground. The man grabbed my chin and lifted it.

"It's such a pity to destroy this pretty face..." I gritted my teeth. The whip left my neck and he stood. "But unfortunately, I have my orders." The whip tore across my back, making me yelp in pain. Then it hit my legs, but this time I stifled a scream. The blood flowed freely around me, pooling into silver puddles for the next five minutes. It felt like an eternity, and when he was done, I felt like I had gone through hell. I was still on the ground, unable to move as the man left, smiling. "I'll be back." He promised. I glared at him through my silver eyes, making them flash dangerously.

He smirked and left the room. I don't know how long I lay there. For all I knew, Alena was dead and so was Eliana. Our plan had failed. Darkness would kill us all. I buried my head in my arms. This was all for nothing. I would stay here forever unless they killed me before that, and I would never get to see Kaito. I desperately wanted to see him, he was my only light for millennia, but I still wasn't sure of my feelings towards him. I wondered what would happen to the moon if I died. Would it shine brightly forever? Would Kaito remember me? Would he ever think of me in a wistful way? Would he come save me, like he did once before?


"Tsuki! Where are you? The ceremony is almost starting! You're gonna be the Moon Queen soon!" Kaito's childish voice rang through the trees. My feet swayed above a silvery lake, swinging it back and forth as I sat on a long that served as an unstable bridge.

"I don't want to be the Moon Guardian," I whispered. Kaito saw me and ran up to me, smiling as he put his hand around my shoulders. We were only kids then, barely a hundred years old.

"Why not?"

"You do know that when I become that, everyone else will disappear," I said. Even though I looked 9, I was already taller than Kaito, who looked older even.


"Yeah, you know that. The current King and Queen will disappear because the moon is always alone. Everyone who lives here will vanish, and that means you and your family."

"Look, Tsuki.... It's okay if we disappear. There weren't many of us to start with. But the King and Queen know what they're doing. The darkness is drawing closer, and they're far too aged to take on the role themselves. But..."


"If you become the Moon Guardian, even though I might vanish five minutes later..." He smiled sweetly, making me blush. "Can I be your King?"

~Flashback End~

I started to cry, tears wetting my arms and mixing with my blood. I never wanted this. Sure, I had tons of perks, but the sadness and weight of carrying the world on your shoulders aren't something I wished on anyone. I needed relief, I wanted Kaito. He hadn't disappeared, even though everyone else did. He became my light, the only light in my heart that overcame all the horrible things the world threw at me.

A while later, the door opened, and I heard several footsteps. I tried to sit up, but shadows materialized from nowhere and crowded around me. The person who came down the stairs was flanked by another man who radiated evil. And the girl... It was Eliana. I looked up at her as she spoke to the other man, begging for something. She was gonna do something for me... for my life that was about to end anyway. My suspicions were confirmed when the man dragged Eliana away and yelled,

"KILL HER." Then they were done. More time passed and the same man entered my cell again. He snapped his fingers and the shadows around my lifted me up by my wrists and legs. Smirking, he trailed his hand from my ear to my neck, making my shudder.

"Really, sometimes this job sucks." His whip found me and left more marks, but I just let myself be beaten to a pulp. If only I had my sword... Sighing, he snapped his fingers and the shadows let me go. I fell- into his arms. He carried me away and I wondered what would happen. "You know..." He inhaled close to my hair. "You smell really good." I resisted the urge to throw up.


"I think I'll keep you as a companion."

"A what?!" I gagged.

"Yeah." He smirked and lifted me over his shoulder so my head was near the ground. How undignified to be carried this way!

"Let me go you piece of dung!"

"Not a chance, gorgeous."

"You're nasty."

"Feisty, I like it!"

"Aren't you supposed to kill me?"

"Eh, I'll keep you for a while."

"Good grief- at least let me walk a little." An idea popped into my head. "You can do that can't you?" I purred. I felt his arms stiffen and he set me on my feet. "Thank you so much." Ugh, I can't believe I had to use the woman card. But no matter what, my life and the life of the world was on the line. But I'd avoid doing anything like that ever again. I knew I just had to get away.

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