Chapter Thirty-Two: Plan B

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It felt like my insides were burning, it took all my energy just to keep from screaming. Open your eyes, I commanded myself. I cracked an eye open expecting to see broken glass and splintered wood around me. I thought that I was still in Tsuki's bedroom. But I was mistaken. I heard the patter of footsteps and shut my eye. If someone was here, enemy or not, I would have the advantage of appearing asleep. I hand touched my head and a male voice whispered in my ear,

"Wake up. Wake up!" The hand shook my head and I bolted upright swinging my leg out and knocking my opponents legs out. I was on top of him in a second with my arm on his chest pinning him down, fist raised ready for another strike of provoked. My surroundings finally became clear as I held him down on the floor. We were in a small shack with a dirt floor. We were also in the sun kingdom judging from the bright light streaming in from the window.

"I thought you would be less threatening, judging by the fact that I saved your life, Alena." His icy blue eyes taunting me.

"Who are you, how do you know me, why did you bring me here, and what do you want?" I growled. The man smirked.

"First, I brought you here because you were dying. Second, I want what you are seeking-"

"You mean that you also want peace to come to the universe. Right? Because that is what I am seeking"

"No, I want what you need to complete your quest." Then it hit me. Tsuki and I sitting on the bed talking, the stranger's glowing white hair.

"Tsuki," I loosened my grip deeming him a friend.

"Yes, my half moon. Can you get off me now?"

I climbed off him and sat on my bed.
"So you're Kaito, you were the one bushes that night! You have been following us this whole time?" Kaito shrugged then looked at me strangely.

"Never mind. Why didn't you come out or say something?"

"If I came out Tsuki would want to come with me to the moon and leave you guys. Then your quest would never have been completed."

I highly doubted that Tsuki would be that selfish, but you never know.

"I guess you're going to help me rescue Tsuki and Eliana?"

"I can take you to the castle quickly and I can help you get Tsuki and Eliana free. In return, when this is over, a treaty must be written creating a partnership between the sun, stars, and moon. And of course, I get Tsuki,"


Kaito gave me back my stuff and I reorganized my pack while Kaito went outside to get some more wood for the fire. I mulled over the plan I was to explain to Kaito. I grabbed a small slender stick from the wood pile and made a detailed drawing that, wasn't half bad if say so myself, on the dirt floor. I pushed myself onto my knees and waited for Kaito to come. I heard the shuffling of footsteps, then another quieter pair of footsteps. Someone was here. I quietly ran to the door and peeked out. I saw Kaito walking towards me with a pile of wood, then there was a flash of sliver and the sound of metal crumpling, and he fell to the flaming ground.

"Kaito!" I ran at the attacker but he tripped me and I went sprawling. I jumped up and unsheathed Aileen. At the sight of my daggers, the attacker tripped and fell backward in defense. I lifted his chin with the tip of the blade. Rayn Cassie stared back at me.

"Rayn? What are you doing here?" I sheathed Aileen, and put my hand out to help him up. By the time he brushed himself off I was about to burst. He finally looked at me and I exploded.

The Hidden Three (Book 1 of the Hidden Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now