Chapter Twenty: Hidden Crime

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(pic is of Kaito)

~Tsuki Hyashi~


I walked through the halls of the castle, without Rayn.

I think he got lost.

But he'd manage, I'm sure. I rounded the corner, and another person slammed into me. I staggered back, holding my shoulder where her head hit. I was about to send a killer glare then noticed it was Eliana.

"Oh, hey. Are you alright?" I leaned towards her and noticed she was shaking. "Eliana?"

"I- I need to tell you something."

"Oh, um sure." I led the way to my room and closed the door behind us. I sat on the bed, Eliana following suite. She took a deep breath, not hyperventilating as much as she used to do. Improvement... That's good. "So, what's up?"

"I killed a star."

"Wait... WHAT?!"

"I don't know how. I was just so mad. And then he was gone, leaving behind a pouch of- this." Eliana opened her palm and bronze stars spilled onto the covers. My brow furrowed. This was certainly interesting.

"Well, murdering a star-"

"It was an accident," Eliana whispered, still shocked at what she did.

"I know." I sighed, and reached out to her, putting my hand on her shoulder. Suddenly, I drew my hand back, heat tingling through my fingers. Eliana winced and rubbed her shoulder. "Ah man, not again!" I hissed.

"Oh, sorry!!"

"No, it's alright. Same hand, though. But your shoulder..." I looked over at it. White vapor curled from it, the skin around her shirt turning blue. Her hand flew to her shoulder, and the coldness melted away.

"We really have to do something about that." She said.

"Yeah." I agreed, then I picked up a bronze star, no larger than my fingernail. "What are these?"

"I have no idea. But.... Do you think I'm gonna be put in jail?"

"Well, it's up to you if you want to tell anyone. But, what did he do to make you mad?"

"He called me stuff. He said I was weak and stupid." She blinked rapidly as if trying to control her anger. Through her shirt, I could see something flash an inky black. My eyes narrowed. I'd have to check that up later- without Eliana knowing if possible.

"Well then," I said smiling a little. "He had a death wish anyway. No one messes with a Celestial Guardian." Eliana had a faint smile herself, but her eyes were still worried.

"What should I do?"

"Maybe we can see Alena. She could tell us what the bronze stars are."

"Her?!" Eliana said, getting slightly nervous. "But they're both stars, won't she feel offended that I killed one?"

"She's only a half-star, and besides, maybe we can find out who that star was in the process. And I'm sure she would understand. Stars are known to be firm but caring. They make the best friends. Not that I would know, though." I shrugged. "Besides, it wouldn't hurt to try."

"I- I guess so."

"Great. Cmon then." I picked up a few stars and poured them into the pouch Eliana had. Then we left my room.



Alena's room took a while to find. It was actually far down the hall since she was the princess. I had to ask directions from star servants, who seemed very very wary of myself and Eliana. I brushed it off, but Eliana looked really guilty. We came to Eliana's door and was about to knock. But at that point, she opened the door and looked surprised to see us.

"Tsuki! Eliana! What's up?" We entered her room, which was really nice. The situation was rapidly explained, and Alena said that the bronze stars were the highest form of money. Like a several hundred dollar bills on earth. When Eliana told her what he looked like- a genuinely poor person- Alena panicked. She ushered us out of our rooms and told us to pack immediately. I rushed to my room after Eliana went to hers and packed. There were some clothes in the closet that fit me.... Strangely. I threw in some clothes in a larger duffel bag and put on my Moon Ring. I didn't have much else to pack, so I just sat down on the bed, and took a deep breath, closing my eyes. Kaito's face rose into my vision again. I felt like I knew who he was, but couldn't quite remember.


I sat on a bed with black sheets, the sheets split colors in the middle, into white. I looked to my right and there Kaito was, still sleeping. He wore a loose white shirt and the moon on his forehead glowed white still. I got out of bed and threw open the blinds that showed off the rising sun.

"Wake up, Kaito! It's dusk." Kaito groaned and buried deeper into his pillow. I laughed and grabbed his arm, dragging him out of bed. He flopped on the floor.

"Ow, what was that for?!" He grumbled. I just smiled and went to the bathroom. Glancing at myself in the mirror, I took note of the dark moon on my forehead. It was strange- my eyes were silver- and I had black hair and a black moon. Kaito's eyes were darker, but his hair was white and his moon was silver. It was as if we were complete opposites. He came up behind me and wrapped his arms around his waist, resting his head on his shoulder, yawning. I mockingly waved my hand in front of my nose.

"Go brush your teeth!" I said a wriggled away, pinching my nose. Kaito looked concerned and breathed into his hand.

"Does my breath smell that bad?"

"Of course not," I rolled my eyes. "Just brush your teeth already." He smirked at me and kissed me on the forehead. "Ew. Really? Now I'll have morning breath all over my moon." I rubbed my forehead. Kaito laughed and turned away to brush his teeth. I decided to leave him in peace... For now... And went to make breakfast.

The Hidden Three (Book 1 of the Hidden Trilogy)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora