The day after the fight

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I woke up and pushed myself off my bed, I hissed in pain forgetting about my wrist. I looked at it, it looked a little better but not heeps. " Children breakfast" a choruses of yes's and ah has came from all over the house, I pulled on a sweater to hide my wrist from the kids and Miss Peregrine, but honestly mainly Victor. I began walking down stair and I heard the chatter from the children, mainly Bronwyn exclaiming very loudly that her doll needed a black dress with a white collar like mine. " I really want my dolly to look like her because she's really pretty and powerful, you know Vic when you were..... dead she brought you back to life, did you know that?" I could almost see Victor shaking his head in surprise. It was true though I did bring him back to life it's apart of being a witch, a few magic words and boom we're back in business, but they do have to be the right word and it took me months to find those words. " yeah it took her months to find them, for 3 days she just read one book everywhere she went, even at the table she didn't put it down." Millard said I could imagine the hand movements he was making. I decided it was time to walk in, " morning" I said looking at everyone with my hands in my pockets, but when I saw Victor I put my head down. There were two seats left one next to Victor and the other across the table from him, I chose the second option. He looked at my every move and if he happened to catch my eye he would smile, I would give an emotionless look. " what's wrong" Emma whispered in my ear I motioned down to my wrist and she gasped and grabbed my other arm and pulled me out of the room. " what happened" Emma whisper yelled
" Victor thought I was trying to take away Bronwyn and he got mad and hurt me" I looked down when I said hurt me " that's why he look frustrated when we were talking about you" Emma said almost inaudible and stormed out of the room.

" VICTOR BRUNTLEY YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO TOUCH ANYONE IN THAT MANNER, SHE COULD POSSIBLY HAVE A BROKEN WRIST ARE YOU AN IDIOT, I THOUHT YOU LOVED HER" Emma screamed at Victor, then there was silence " umm" I walked in half expecting Victor to yell but when I walked in, he was crying. He saw me and stood up " Baby I love you with all my heart, I don't know why I even yelled in the first place and I somehow ended up hurting the love of my life. Please please please forgive me I'm begging you" tears streamed down his face, I used my sleave to wipe them away and he looked surprised " just don't do it again, okay?" I looked him in the eye " never, ever again I promise" I smiled and kissed him and when he kissed back a cheer came from everyone even Miss Peregrine.

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