" Are you ignoring me?" Part 1

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" That record player has been on for two weeks though!" Victor instantly felt bad, Olive was just trying to help but his mind was racing. " She does like music Victor" Olive replied, not bothered by the tone of voice the boy used with her. " No, she uses it to calm down. It hasn't stopped playing, even when she sleeps" his breath heavy as he paced the cold kitchen floor, his leather covered feet hitting the ground with a slight thud. " Ask her then, it really isn't as hard as you think it is" Enoch walks in abruptly, overhearing the entire conversation from his place in the living room. " I can't do that, she'll just kick me out again" both Olive and Enoch share a glance, the sadness in the blondes voice taking them off guard. " It's my fault she's angry, or I think it is anyway. She won't sit next to me or even across from me, she doesn't walk with me anymore, never lets me in her room, doesn't even let me see her drawings or stories!" The boy yells, gradually getting more upset as his eyes tear up. " Hey, hey, hey no it's okay. She needs her space, she always has. If it is you she'll come around and if it isn't you she'll do the same" Olive trys to relieve some of Victor's stress but it doesn't particularly help. Her tone honest but still he can hear the ting of a lie, she knew why the the girl was angry. Victor was almost completely sure everyone in the house knew aswell, except for him.

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