He Wants To Talk About His Death

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"Hey Y/N?" Said Victor, walking inti his room where you were sat reading a book. " Yea, what's the matter you look pale?" And that he did. He looked extremely pale, almost like the pages of your book. As you kneeled on the edge of the bed to place the back of your hand to his forehead. "I'm fine, well I feel fine. I just really want to talk to you about something" He placed your hand under his on the frame of the bed. "Okay?" You replied, thoughts rushing in your head you almost thought he could see the steam from your ears. He sat down next to you on the bed and placed his hand, still holding yours on your knee. "I want to talk about when I was dead" he said slowly, as if outof breath. "Are you sure? We don't have to. Enoch pressured you into this didn't he?" I said, voice racing I was actually out of breath. "No, no, no he didn't. It's just I was gone so long and I feel like everyone doesn't know how ti act around me now" his voice was low and sad. "Well if you really want me to tell you" you said hastily. Victor nodded his head. "Well when I arrived, it felt like everyone was.. just.. not all there. There was a place at the table with nobody there. Almost a memory everyone had on repeat" you looked into his eyes when you said this. "Then after a while Bronwyn convinced Miss Perigrine to see you. Because the night before she was crying so I went to her room" He looked shocked when I said she was crying. " she told me that she missed you and just wanted her big brother, and pointed to your old bed. She ended up coming to my room. When I first saw you I just thought that you looked like her brother. When I found out how you died I just wouldn't wish that onmy worst enem" he nodded along with that. "I then knew what was missing from the house and what needed to come back. So I went to the libary and searched for any book on magic or witchcraft. I made a pile and read every one until I found what I needed. I just read and read and read because I wanted for Bronwyn to have a brother." I looked down at my lap as a small teat ran down my face. "I lost my brother so I know how it feels. I never got the chance to get him back or find him. I was taken away to quickly and it hurts. Nobody deserves to lose the only one they have left. I would do anything to have my baby brother back so I did everything so she could have her big brother back." He looked so suprised to hear that. You had never told anyone how your brother before. But it was true, Bronwyn didn't deserve that pain. Not at all. "You brought me back for my sister?" He asked. "Did she ask?". "No, I just did it" you said still looking down. He tilted you head up to meet his eyes. "You did it because..?" He asked, still confused as to why you would put so much effort into someone yoy didn't know. "Because everyone deserves a family."

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