"I'm Sorry."

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Right from the start Horace seemed reluctant to show the dream he had the night before. Complaining that his eyes hurt and that the image wasn't clear enough. Miss Peregrine on the other hand saw right through his charade and pulled him away from us and into the kitchen. The two quickly re entered " children I believe it is a night without a movie. You should head to bed right away. "
Some seemed disappointed while others not so much, Horace had a look of relief playing in his features and took his seat again. Miss Peregrine raised a hand to the older children as if saying ' not yet. '
As the last small footsteps proceeded to disappear Miss Peregrine looked at Horace without a word and he nodded. Raising his monacle like contraption to his eye, I was shocked to see Victor with sad yet hopeful eyes appear on the screen. He was twisting something that looked like loose fabric between his hands. He opened his lips as if to speak of only a small and quiet sign to relevant itself from it captivity in his lungs. His eyes seem to meet mine as his eyes glossed over. " I'm sorry, I am truely sorry. " I stood up from my position on the couch, slightly shaking and looked at the ground the resided beneath my feet so I would not be able to meet eyes with anyone. " I need some air. " Before I could get a reservation I was out the door and running to the ocean with his two words circling my head in a voice I missed so very much. "I'm sorry."

Victor Bruntly ImaginesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang