"It's Not Actually 1943, you know that?"

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Victor was always sweet, always. It's just that sometimes, he forgets that. Sure we're stuck in a loop, that's how we live, but it's not 1943 anymore. 1943 was filled with bomb, war, death and disaster and that's all gone for now. It's the gender roles that get to me. He has the strength of 10 men I know I know but I wanted him to be more open with me. Up in his room we're always cuddled up and warm but downstairs, the most I get of a hug is an arm around my shoulders. Small smiles and laughs but nothing like when it's just us. I understand that we have our private moments but some of these moments aren't private. A hug is not private. So that day, I couldn't think straight. I just needed my boyfriend but no, he was his usual strong self around the others. He sat down, he simply sat down. I leaned over into his side and he looked down and smiled at me. I know he couldn't tell I was upset immediately but I just snapped. I sat up, pulled my shoes back onto my feet and surrounded by everyone, I walked out. I needed air and I needed it now. It took Victor three minutes and Emma saying " go" for him to follow and by them I was already almost out of the loop. " Woah woah hey!" He yelled and started running to my direction " don't go out there you know that". His hand touched my shoulder and spun me around, my skin cold as ice against his but my blood was boiling. " Can't I get a simple hug?!" I yelled, my breath heavy and loud and my eyes begging for him to just pull me in but I didn't want his touch at the same time. He stopped and tilted his head to the side like a lost puppy " of course you can" he opened his arms and I stepped back. " Name one time you hugged me in front of the others?" I whispered as I attempted to catch my breath " I hug you all the time" he was oblivious. " No, you put one arm around me." I shook my head and went to walk out again before he pulled me into his chest and held me like there was no tomorrow. " We're not actually in 1943, you know that?" I asked and he signed " but". His sentence ended as I closed my eyes and slowly wrapped my arms around his waist. " You were raised then I know, but you don't always have to be masculine. You can be soft and sweet. You can be yourself, not just around me" I whispered. His eyes widened as he realised what I meant " oh". I giggled at that reaction but I didn't step away. " Victor, it's good to change. You don't need to but you can. Sometimes a hug does the trick".

Victor Bruntly ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now