Chapter 1

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You are not the person I thought you were. We even have a few things in common. However, you will never see the end of it if you tell your friends I said this.

The truth is, I don't have many friends in my hometown. They say I am too stuck-up for them. It leaves for a pretty boring summer at home. That's why I seem so ahead in my classes. I spend the summer reading. I always lied because I didn't want to give anyone at school the satisfaction of knowing I have no friends at home.

My parents are okay, they treat me well, but my sister holds a grudge against me because I go to a private boarding school and she goes to a public school. She taunts me so I must find places around town she would never go to.

As annoying and terrible as you are, I like our group of friends. That includes you. You're all a constant reminder that I won't be here at home for long. As much as I lacked laughter after reading your first message, continuing to write to you has given me even more hope that this summer will soon be over.

Do you remember the first book we read last semester? I reread it and it reminded me of you. The main character gets bullied and only gets through it because the person she hates lets her talk to him about it. I know your arrogant self will love to hear this, but in a way, you and I sound like those people.

What about you? I'm sure you've been dying to talk more about yourself and your summer so I say that it's your turn to talk. I can't wait to hear about it. What kind of trouble have you gotten yourself into so far?

- Lena Enders


For your information, I have completely stayed out of trouble. My parents force me to continue my studies in the summer. I just read the book you mentioned. However, you are helping me as much as I am helping you. As conceited as you are it may not have occurred to you that I don't have many hometown friends either. It's hard to relate to them sometimes, you know? We come from different worlds.

I stay at home usually, but there are a lot of places to go around town. It's easier to concentrate on studies when I'm not stuck in my room. I have the house to myself because my brothers are at college and live on their own.

I need you to know that I'm sorry for some of the jokes I've pulled on you. I like our group of friends too. You've helped bring my school life back home with me, and that's the life I prefer. You're not the person I thought you were either. I like this Lena Enders. Although, considering I've asked you out so many times this wouldn't come as a surprise.

- Jensen Porter

By the way, you don't deserve the way your sister treats you. You're strong and you're smart and you're funny. Maybe she's jealous because she sees that in you. All of us at school can see that in you. You're destined for great things Lena.

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