Chapter 15

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Sorry for the delay, but I did warn you that I would be busy with the summer festival. My brothers and I did win the basketball tournament we joined. We had a great time all weekend and at least 100 family and friends showed up to my mom's barbeque. It was a crazy week altogether. You would have loved it. I'll attach pictures to this message so you can see what it was like. If you ever get the chance you should go to a summer festival. Lots of towns in my area have them.

It sounds like Roxanne has saved you from being so bored this summer. It's probably a relief to get out of the house. How are things with your sister? You haven't mentioned her in a while. Hopefully things between the two of you have gotten better. I know what it feels like to fight with a sibling. My brothers and I used to argue all the time. We only started getting along after they all moved out.

- Jensen


Congratulations on the big win. The pictures look incredible. If you don't make too big of a deal out of it then maybe you can show me around at the festival one of these times. I think one of the towns not too far away from mine has one, but it's too far for me to go alone and my family does not travel often. They prefer to stay right in our town.

Things with my sister have not changed much. She hasn't yelled at me recently, which is a plus. I keep trying to talk to her, but she doesn't want to hear from me. I ask Roxanne for advice a lot, but my sister is as much a mystery to her and my sister is to me. I am going to continue taking your advice though because there has to be something real I can tell her that will finally get us to open up to each other. I don't think I've found the right topic yet. However, I am open to suggestions. Anything would help. I'm getting desperate.

- Lena


The best advice I can give you is to spill your feelings to her. Don't worry about convincing her of anything or about winning her over. Being honest could be all you need, but don't hold anything back. I am sure she will notice and appreciate that you keep trying. Don't give up.

I have a lot more I want to say to you, but I am being reminded by my parents that there is something I need to do today. By something they are referring to running errands for them. Before I go, I am almost finished with the book and I have already made notes on what I want to talk about so I cannot wait to hear your thoughts about the book. I also hope everything goes well with your sister. You're amazing and I'm sure she knows that too. Maybe she just forgets to say it sometimes.

- Jensen


You are possibly the one person keeping me sane right now. My parents stay in their studies or in their offices down town and only come out to deal with the arguments I have with my sister. My sister interacts with me if I force her too, and it usually leaves me alone. I talk to you more than I talk to anyone else. I guess messaging is a better word than talking, but you get what I'm saying. You are the only person I have actual conversations with other than Roxanne. I feel like I am losing my mind so forgive me if I ever repeat myself in these messages.

I did take your advice though. I plan to have another conversation with her tonight because I'm tired of fighting. I can't do it anymore, Jensen. Spending time at home on breaks is supposed to be fun. It's supposed to be good because we don't have school work. It's supposed to be fun because we get to see our families again. Everything in my family seems broken. I want to fix it, but I know it's not my job to fix it. Maybe I should read her this message instead. I am probably telling you exactly what I should be telling her.

- Lena


You are correct. That is exactly what you should tell her. I wish I could say more, but I promised to help one of my brothers move. I saw that you sent a message and I didn't want to wait a day or two before responding. I would message you forever if I could. I was wrong before. Messaging you is definitely the highlight of my summer.

Also, you are not losing your mind. We all go through problems. Whenever you feel alone remember that you have me and remember that you have Roxanne. Even though you have not heard from them, you also have Marlene, Alfonso, Sebastian, and Luna. You have another family at Burmingham. It's a unique family, that's for sure, but in a way it's still a family. We'll always be there for you.

- Jensen

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