Chapter 19

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You've already made great progress with your sister. If she's understanding, then there will be a way to stay close to her while you're away at school. It takes time. I still struggle staying close to my brothers and they haven't lived with me or around me for years.

I think you need to learn that change is inevitable. Everything changes eventually. You will change, I will change, Burmingham will change, our friends will change, and our family will change. I know you hate change, as you've said many times, but you'll have to learn to like them because they will be happening a lot. Your life will change when you graduate. Your life will change when you go to college. Your life will change again when you get your first job. Personally, I look forward to change. It makes me excited about what could happen.

- Jensen


I'll have to take a few more tips from you then before I'm that excited about change. I see your point. Change could mean my relationships with my family getting better. Change could mean getting accepted into a great college and law school. That still doesn't change how afraid I am about the unknown. That's probably where my fear of change comes from. I don't like not knowing. I prefer to know.

Thank you for being okay with this and letting me vent to you. I feel bad that we've been talking about me so much. You should tell me more about how your summer is going. I want to hear what you've been doing. Any progress with that new friend of yours or does she hate you now? Have you made any new friends?

How about Uncle Tom's Cabin? What do you think of it? I'm at the end now. I only have about 50 pages left to read and I cannot wait to see how it turns out. The entire bad has been terribly sad and cruel though so I don't expect a happy ending. I expect something bad to happen at any time, but don't you dare spoil it for me yet.

- Lena


You are still reading? I have been waiting for you to finish so we can talk about it! I suspect that during its time the book spoke volumes about the cruelty and tragedies of slavery. I'm glad I read it. I enjoy reading books that have made such a big impact on history. It's inspirational in a way.

I am prepared to give as much advice as you could need. For example, don't yell when you don't agree with something. This could be great practice for your law career. Second, make one spontaneous decision that will surprise you every day. I do this now and as you know I have great stories to tell when I want to. Sebastian and Alfonso will confirm this. That is how the three of us always live our lives.

You see? I am filled with fantastic ideas! If you only you would listen to me more... and sooner. There could have been an improvement years ago if you had not been completely oblivious about your feelings towards me. (I know you have them, don't lie).

- Jensen


Is there a switch that you just turn on and off to turn you into a sarcastic jerk or does it come and go randomly? Me telling you that you are a great person has nothing to do with any feelings I may have for you. As for your advice, I never yell at someone just for disagreeing with me. I enjoy healthy debates, yes, but not yelling for inappropriate reasons. Your spontaneous advice is good though. I will consider taking that advice (only consider for now. I'll keep you updated).

I have finally finished the book so you can calm down now about waiting for me. I'm also glad I read it because I've been wanting to read it too. It was sad, which I expected, but it holds such a great meaning that you cannot help but love it most of the time.

- Lena

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