Chapter 9

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For your information, I did tell her about you and it was an awkward never-ending conversation. She sounded more interested in you than I am. Clearly, that's a big deal. I had to practically tell her your entire life story. It was exhausting. I didn't get anything productive done because of it.

Also, I finished the Mary Queen of Scots book. I liked their depiction of her life. However, they made her out to always be the victim, and I'm not sure that's entirely true. What will we be reading next?

I'm still waiting to hear about your new friend's reaction when you told her about me. How can you pass up the chance to talk about me?

- Jensen


I am sure that happened exactly as you stated it did (Not!). You expect me to believe you hated to tell her my story? You jumped at the chance with that foreign exchange student last year. In fact, he told us that he made an excuse to leave because you did not stop talking.

While I hate to inflate your ego further, my friend Roxanne did ask about my life at school and I mentioned you. However, I will not tell you any details. Let's just say she is more on your side than mine.

I finished the Mary Queen of Scots book, too. I've been thinking about starting The Color Purple or Uncle Tom's Cabin. I've meant to read both of them. As for your thoughts on Mary, I'm afraid I have agree. Considering the time period and the fact that they were both queens I highly doubt either one of them was innocent when it came to their actions against each other.

- Lena


I like Roxanne already. I would listen to her if I were you. I stand a better chance with more people on my side. However, I refuse to acknowledge the foreign exchange student. He was the one that asked about you, and suddenly I'm the bad guy for answering. I cannot simply spill a life story in less than two hours. Impossible! I needed time to elaborate. I felt like I was being ditched on a date. He said he had to go to the bathroom and never came back. What a jerk!

But enough about that. When it comes to our reading choices, I would prefer to read Uncle Tom's Cabin next. It would be easy to get access to because they sell it at the bookstore in town.

Tell Roxanne hi for me!

- Jensen

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