Chapter 24

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Lena could not believe how fast Christmas arrived. Her parents took the day off, which only happened a few times a year, and they spent all day together. Lena could not remember the last time they spent so much time together. They woke up in the morning and opened presents. Lena received some books and a new laptop while Peyton received a new TV and some clothes. They made breakfast together after presents and spent the afternoon watching Christmas movies while waiting for their grandparents to arrive and cook dinner. It was the perfect day to Lena, except one thing was missing. After one of the movies, Lena excused herself and walked up to her room to call Jensen.

"Merry Christmas, Enders! How has your Christmas been so far?" he said as soon as he picked up.

Lena laughed, "Merry Christmas to you too, Porter. I've had an amazing time today. My parents took all day off. They even helped Peyton and I make breakfast and they're watching Christmas movies with us. They never watch movies with us."

"Wow, that's quite the change."

"I know! I don't know what's gotten into them, but I love it. They can keep it up."

Jensen chuckled, "I'm glad to hear you so happy."

"I am," Lena smiled, "But enough about me, how is your Christmas?"

"My Christmas is great too. All of my brothers made it home. It's the only time all year when we're all under the same house again. We opened presents this morning so I just got inside from playing football in the snow. My brothers and I ask for a rematch every year, no matter who wins."

"That's fun," Lena laughed. "Who won this year?"

"I did," Jensen said proudly.

"Of course you did."

"I sense sarcasm, Enders."

Lena laughed again, "I wouldn't dare be sarcastic towards you, Porter. Is it the 29th yet?"

"I can't wait to see you either," Jensen said. "I think my parents are tired of hearing me talk about you. That reminds me, would you want to come home with me after I visit you? My brothers will be gone by then so there will be a spare room for you to stay in. I want you to meet my parents."

"What about school? If you're leaving the first I might not have time to get my things before –"

Jensen interrupted, "My parents volunteered to take both of us back to school."

"Really? That's so sweet of them!" Lena smiled, "In that case, I would love to come. I'll ask my parents tonight."

"Awesome, text me the answer when you get it, okay?"

"I will. I miss you."

"I miss you too. Later, Enders."

Lena grinned, "Bye, Porter."

Lena could hardly wait to see Jensen again, but now that she was visiting his parents she felt nervous. Her parents had no problem granting her permission to visit Jensen as long as she followed their list of rules for the trip. Now all Lena had to worry about was whether Jensen's parents would like her or not. She met up with Peyton and Roxanne at a coffee shop in town to ask them for advice. They made sure to meet up after dinner once Lena and Peyton's grandparents left to drive back home.

"Do you think Jensen's parents will like me?" Lena asked Peyton and Roxanne. "How do I act around them? Do I act like myself or do I make sure to be super nice and polite to win them over?"

"How much has Jensen told them about you?" Roxanne asked.

Lena replied, "From what I heard, he won't stop talking about me."

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