Chapter 4

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Lena had Marlene and Jensen in her first class and she had a feeling Marlene couldn't drop what they talked about yesterday. Marlene kept glancing between her and Jensen. Lena let out a sigh of relief during the second class because her and Jensen were the only ones in their group of friends there, but by her third class of the day it was their entire group of friends in one class. When lunch period came, Marlene pulled Lena into a storage closet before she reached the cafeteria.

"What the Hell, Marlene?!"

"Don't give me that!" She snapped, "I know you told me to drop it, but I can't. What the Hell is going on between you and Jensen?"


"Don't say nothing, Lena! Even excluding yesterday, you and Jensen are still acting weird towards each other."

"How have we been acting weird?" She asked Marlene.

"Normally during class Jensen will look over at you, but today you were looking at each other. Since when have you even paid him any attention other than an insult? During third period, you purposely sat next to Jensen instead of sitting next to me. If you don't tell me the truth now I will tell my suspicions to all of our friends."

"You can't do that!"

"Tell me!" Marlene exclaimed.

She sighed. "Fine," Lena told her, "Jensen and I talked to each other over the summer."


"He sent me an e-mail first as a joke, but it turned into something more. We sent each other dozens of messages during the summer. If you sense a difference this year then that will be it."

"So, you don't hate him?" she asked.

"I didn't know him when I said I hated him, but this summer I got to know him. I told him more than I've even told you."

"Does that mean he stands a chance this year?"

She laughed, "I don't know about that."

"Why not?"

"It's still Jensen!" Lena continued laughing, "I refuse to focus on relationships this year when I have a career to plan."

Marlene groaned and opened the storage closet door. "You're no fun," she whined.

"Lena isn't?" Jensen was suddenly in the doorway. "I could have told you that," he grinned.

Marlene smiled, "I'll leave you two alone."

"So, you told her already?" he asked, "You didn't even last a day."

"Hey!" Lena laughed, "She's my best friend. She suspected it before we made that agreement last night, and it is still an agreement."

"Deal, but you owe me lunch."

"Seriously?" she asked, "That's how I owe you?"

He nodded as they walked to the cafeteria. "You owe me lunch for a week."

"Such a jerk," she smiled.

He replied with a smile, "You know you like me like that."

"You know I'll destroy you if you tell anyone, right?"

He chuckled, "Challenge accepted."

Their friends questioned why they walked into the cafeteria together, and Marlene would not stop looking back and forth between the two of them the entire period. When the school day ended she showed up at Lena's door. "We are going to talk about this," she stated as she walked in.

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