Chapter 21

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Now that school will be starting I wanted to send you one final message. I know things will likely change when school starts. I know you'd never want our friends to know about these conversations we've been having, but these messages have meant the world to me. I may pick on you a lot, but you know the feelings I have for you. It meant a lot to me that you gave me a chance to get to know you better this summer. I saw a side of you that I've never gotten to see at school.

In case I don't get the chance to say it when we see each other, I really do hope things get better between you and your sister. I know it's hard for you to put yourself out there sometimes, but when you do it'll be worth it and someday your sister will realize that too. It can be hard to stay close to people who live so far away.

I look forward to seeing you over the weekend when we get back to Burmingham. You've made my summer more entertaining than I ever thought it could be and I hope we get the chance to talk like this in person.

- Jensen


I forget sometimes how well you know me. You know what our friends would think scares me so I don't know how I will react when we all get together again. What I do know is that you certainly are not the person I thought you were. You're a great person. You're smart and you have a good heart. Anyone would be lucky to have you in their life. I'm so lucky to have you in mine.

Thank you for all the advice you've given me for my sister. Your advice has helped a lot. Things are starting to improve I just hope we can keep them improving when school starts. I know she hates when I'm away so much and we both get too busy sometimes to send messages to each other. Maybe with your help I'll remember to work harder with her.

For the first time, I look forward to seeing you at Burmingham too. I've missed it a lot. I've missed our campus, the quads, the common rooms, and I miss walking to town on the weekends when we have nothing better to do. We have one year left to make the most of it at Burmingham.

- Lena

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