Chapter 27

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"What's going on with you and Jensen?" Marlene asked Lena.

They gathered in Marlene's room for the night. They finished homework first before Marlene insisted on having a girl's night. Marlene tried to invited Luna, but she said she was busy.

"What do you mean?" Lena asked back. "Jensen and I are great."

"The two of you are inseparable, Lena. Remember when I said at the beginning of the school year that I sensed a difference in you and Jensen?"

"Yes, and you were right."

"I sense something now too," Marlene said.

"What difference could there be?" Lena asked, "Jensen's amazing and we're amazing together. We spend as much time together as possible because we want to."

"What happened when you met each other's families?" Marlene asked, "That's when something changed, didn't it? Maybe your feelings for him or his feelings for you?"

"How do you know these things?" Lena laughed, "You figure things out even before I do. You sense things that I don't think are important and make them important."

"I'm good at reading people, get over it. What happened? You never got into details?"

"I loved having Jensen at my house. Peyton and Roxanne liked hanging out with him and my parents liked him too. I even showed him around town and, I don't know, he fit. He fit in perfectly with my life there, but then I visited his family and I fit there too. His family was hilarious and they loved having family dinners and playing board games. For so long, my school life and my home life were separate, but suddenly they were the same and I didn't expect it to seem so perfect."

Marlene smiled, "What did you expect?"

"I don't know," Lena shook her head. "I felt like I had my family though. It sounds stupid and I don't know how else to explain it, but it was all there. I had my sister, Roxanne, my parents, and Jensen. When I saw that they all got along it made me feel like he really is the one for me. I can't believe it took me so long to see it. That feeling got even stronger when I visited his family."

"Does Jensen feel the same way?"

Lena nodded, "I think so, but aren't we getting way too serious way too fast? We haven't been dating that long, Mar."

"You and Jensen have known each other for four years. If anything, you've been going too slow. We knew years ago that Jensen loved you, but this year I figured out that you love him too. Tell him as often as you can, Lena. Trust me, he's been waiting for it."

"Can we stop talking about me and Jensen?" Lena asked as she laughed.

Marlene laughed, "Fine! Let's talk about Luna. Do you think she's okay? I know we bring it up a lot now, but I'm starting to get worried."

"I am too," Lena admitted, "but hopefully cheering her up this weekend will help and hopefully she feels better after our vacation too."

"That's true. Who wouldn't feel better after a vacation to a tropical location?"

"Exactly!" Lena laughed.

Lena's phone rang and interrupted the conversation. "If that's Jensen you are not allowed to answer it," Marlene warned her.

Lena looked at the screen. "No, it's Pey," Lena told her. "I'll be quick. Hey Pey, are you okay?"

"No, mom and I just told me that they're getting a divorce."

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