I Thought It Was Over [Chapter 5]

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Warning: contains depressing scenes.

Mark's POV

I wake up to the sound of birds tweeting in the morning sun. When my vision comes into focus, I notice that the bed that once had the love of my life in is... empty. All of a sudden I get the strong emotion that is sadness. But that felling doesn't last long when I noticed a note on the bedside table,

I hope you had a nice sleep babe xoxo

Come to the kitchen when you're ready my love x

When I finish reading the sweet note, obviously from Jack. I get up and start to make my way to the kitchen but something caught my eye; a little piece of paper on the on the ground. It just looked out of place so I pick up the paper ball and unravel it until I see words...

Be back soon, went for a drink. I love you x

Wait if thus note was from Jack then who wrote the other one?? I say to myself. Who the fuck is in my dorm!?!? I run over to the desk in my room to grab some scissors to have at least something to defend myself. I start to walk very slowly to the kitchen still in yesterday's clothes with the blood stained flannel shirt that I slept in. When I open the door that leads to the kitchen....
Anyone could stand in front of me, but the last person I want to see stands in front of me.... Olivia, her black eyeliner has ran down her face like she's been crying...

"Why the fuck are you here!?! And where's Jack!?!" I say with rage filling my voice,

"I don't know... but I just needed to see a familiar face" Olivia says through the tears "I need to tell you something about Jack"

"I don't care!! Just get out of here and leave me and Jack alone!!" I yell, fighting the urge to punch another wall,

"Please just hear me out!! Mark please!!" Olivia says, pushing her luck,

"Do you know why I want you out of my fucking life!?!" I yell with tears filling my vision,

"Why Mark?"

"Because you know your little stunt you pulled yesterday?! I did this!!" I yell as I pull up my blood stained sleeve of my flannel shirt once again to reveal my cuts that once poured blood less that 24 hours ago. At the site of Jack's name cut into my skin her eyes widen,

"I was two fucking years clean!! Olivia!! And you know how depressed I get!! So why the fuck are you doing this to me!?!?!" I yell as tears run down my face,

"Omg Mark! Don't do that!" Olivia squeals,

"I don't need your pity! What did you want to tell me?!?" I say calming down a little,

"It's Jack..." Olivia replies

"I know! What about him!?"

"Well... late last night Jack came into my dorm and he raped me!!" Olivia squeals through her tears

"You are lying!! Jack would never do anything like that ever!!! I know him and you don't!! Just get the fuck out now!!" I yell my emotions getting the best of me,

"It's the truth! Mark please believe me!" Olivia says now crying,

"Just Get Out!!" I yell with tears running down my own face,

"Whatever you don't fucking care" Olivia says as shes walking to the door,

"Yeah because you fucking cheated on me bitch!" I yell but before I can do anything else she yell in response,

"You're wasting your fucking time!! He doesn't love you Mark!!" Then she slams the door behind her. Now I just sit in silence.

Last Night

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