The Appointment [Chapter 17]

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Mark's POV

I really don't feel like going to the hospital today... I say inside my head as I get out of the shower and get dressed in clean enough clothes but once I catch myself in the mirror I'm disgusted by the person who starring back at me... The ugly, fat, horrible person who is apparently cared about...

"You ready Mark!?" I hear Jack yell from the living room,

"I'm coming!" I yell back, I don't know what has gotten into me... My depression has come back... Is it because Mr. Young wants to talk to me about something....

"You all ready to go?" Jack questions hugging me tightly,

"As ready as I'll ever be.." I reply second guessing myself,

"Well we better get going or we'll be late" Jack says making his way to the front door and opening it for me, "Thank you" I say walking out the door and towards our car,

Mark's POV

As I anxiously wait with Jack in the small waiting room to see the councillor, I grab Jack's small pale hand in mine to ease my anxiousness, I can see out of the corner of my eye Jack smiling his perfect smile,

"It's going to be fine Mark" Jack whispers calming me down slightly but before I know it a woman walks out of the crisp white door which has to be Dr. Stewart,

"Hello, you must be Mr. Fischbach?" She asks holding out her hand indicating for me to shake it,

"Yes I am" I reply giving a firm handshake. I can't help but notice how pretty she is, her medium brown hair draped either side of her round face, also her light green eyes stare into my soul in a good way as they remind me of Steve.... Pull it together Mark... Deep breaths... In.... And out.... I say inside my head as I take a few deep breaths,

"You alright Mark?" I hear in an Irish accent,

"Yes... I am Jack" I reply standing up still holding my fiancés hand as we follow Dr. Stewart into the room before us. There is a soft looking black leather couch in front of a wooden desk which holds a computer on top. I make my way to the leather couch still hand in hand with Jack to sit across from the councillor.

"So tell me about yourself Mark..." Dr. Stewart asks when I finally get comfortable,

"Well... I love video games... And I just graduated from college... I'm 23 and this is my fiancé Jack..." I say pausing regularly waiting for a response,

"I see..." Dr. Stewart says as he writes down something on her note pad "also why have you come to see me today?" She asks with a warm smile. I don't say anything as I remember the reason why I'm actually here in the first place..... Steve, my throat immediately becomes dry as I look down at the carpet below my feet,

"Well there was a very devastating death that has occurred recently.... And it has affected Mark pretty badly" Jack calmly says for me as I can't myself. Its hard to hold back the tears that are fighting their way out of my eyes,

"And I brought him here because I am worried for this health.... because for weeks I hadn't seen him eat or shower but lately he's been getting better.." Jack continues, squeezing my hand once he notices I'm crying, "its going to be alright Mark" Jack whispers scooting closer,

"So Mark... please tell me why has this death affected you so much?" Dr. Stewart asks, I can't hold it in anymore so I just let it all out.... I tell her everything to what happened with Olivia and how she just fallen off the face of the earth... To my cutting problem... To my near death experience and how Steve saved me from killing myself... To his death that still haunts me to this day... I "forget" to mention the voices and how I could hear Steve in my head telling me to kill myself because I was so caught up in confessing my demons.

"I see....." Dr. Stewart says as she taps her pen on her bottom lip as she reads over her notes. I start to feel overwhelmed at the thought that she is judging me harshly but all the tension easily melts away as I feel Jack's small hand squeezing mine lovingly,

"Well I think that is a good starting point... you are clearly tore up about this death so I'm going to let you guys go and you can always contact me if you have any problems" The female sitting before us says in a friendly voice,

"Thank you for your time" Jack says softly standing up to shake her hand,

"Well it is my job! Hehe" She jokes giggling a little to lighting up the mood.

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