Voices [Chapter 13]

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One Week Later

Mark's POV

Its been a week without Steve... Its getting harder and harder to live through each day... I haven't been able to sleep at all this pass week... I can't even mange to cry anymore because its to painful. All I can do is listen to these voices telling me it's all my fault that he's dead... I can't believe Jack can love a monster like you!
It is quite surprising...

"I know Jack loves me! Why would he want to marry me if he doesn't!" I yell at the voices inside my head,

He's using you Mark! You're too stupid to see that!

You wasted your time with someone who doesn't even love you when the perfect man for you just killed them self!


*Knock knock*

"Mark.... Who are you talking to...?" Jack says in a soft voice behind the closed door that separates us. I don't reply.

"Mark... Please talk to me... I haven't seen you in a week. I haven't seen you eat or even shower... And we have to start looking for an apartment to live in.... Please Mark come out and talk with me"
I sluggishly make my way to the door in the dark not caring if I run into anything. I open the door to see a sad little Irish man looking back at me with worried eyes,

"What do you want Jack..? Can't you see I'm grieving"

"I miss you Mark... I want to help you. Please let me help you"

"I'm fine thanks" I reply as I start to shut the door but I'm stopped by a force from Jack who has placed his hand on the door refusing the door from shutting,

"Mark Edward Fishbach listen to your fiancé! You need help okay because its not healthy locking yourself away like this! And if I'm not capable to help you I would like to take to phycologist. I just want to see you get better so we can have our lives back on track and the way we planned. I want to have a family with you Mark, and the first step is to get you back to normal" Jack says while tears stream down his face,

"I'll try... For you Jack" I reply pulling my adorable loving Irish man in my arms. Look at what you've done to Jack! All you do is hurt him!

Why don't you just leave him! He won't miss you!

The voices scream inside my head so loud my ears start to ring but I try and ignore them the best I can...

Trying to ignore us now huh!?

Well good luck with that! You'll never get rid of us Markimoo!!

"I love you so much Jack"

"Shh no talking I just want to stand here and hug you in comfortable silence okay" Jack says through sobs, I listen to his simple request and keep my mouth shut.

I miss you Mark....

That voice.... I know that voice...

[Sorry for the cliff hanger guys hehe sorry for the short chapter but I'll upload as soon as I can but till then! I'll see you in the next chapter xx bye!]


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