Back To "Normal" [Chapter 11]

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Mark's POV

We finally pull up to the dance hall where our college has held the pre-graduation party for  the senior students of this year,

"You ready baby?" I say as I look into Jack's ocean eyes,

"With you I'm ready for anything" Jack replies,

"That's what I like to hear" I say pulling him into a long loving kiss. It feels like fireworks have just exploded between us as my tongue asks for entrance, Jack loving excepts not soon after we are French kissing like its the last day we have on this big ball of dirt,

"Woah tiger! The nights still young! leave some of this action until later!" Jack says as he parts from my lips and gives me a sneaky wink, "come on you let's get in there already!" Jack says exiting our car. Once I leave the heated car into the cold evening air I get shivers down my spine my once warm lips frozen by the cold winters air,

"Brrrrr its a cold night tonight" I say as Jack makes his way to me and grabs my frozen hand in his surprisingly warm one, I immediately smile as we walk together hand in hand to the dance that awaits our loving presence.

Jack's POV

Once we finally enter the hall hand in hand I take in my surroundings. I look from side to side wow they really went all out this year! I say in my head, blue and purple ribbon full the ceiling complemented by some white balloons hugging the ceiling. Music is pouring into my slightly pointed ears as the DJ rocks out remixing all the popular music. As I keep scanning the room my eyes land on the most popular girl on campus Maya her long black hair done up into a nice bun and she looks stunning but she looks so different because she isn't wearing her horse riding uniform, I giggle to myself while I still wait for Mark, he's talking to one of his old friends sadly I don't know her very well. All I know is her name is Amberlee and Mark helped her out when she ran away from home after her parents divorced. Her dark blonde hair curled effortlessly complemented nicely with her green hazel eyes, but sadly I could see some scar tissue on her beautiful left arm my eyes drop for a second reminding me of Marks arm but I immediately smile when Sam comes up to me with her girlfriend Liz,

"Nawww look at these two beautiful ladies!" I exclaim "are you enjoying your night so far!?"

"Well I'm sorry to break it to you Jack.. But I always have a good time when I'm with Liz" Sam replies giving Liz a quick kiss on the cheek as she giggles, I can't help but smile feeling so happy for them, "oooh I love this song! Come on Liz let's go dance, bye Jack it was great to catch up!" And at that I'm by myself again in my head as Sam runs off with her girlfriend hand in hand to the dance floor her short sunset red hair flops in the motion all I could think of was me and Mark going out to dance with them,

"Come on Markimoooooo I wanna go dance!" I wine pulling on his suit sleeve,

"I'm sorry Amderlee but I gotta go and keep this smol green bean happy" Mark says as he waves goodbye and pulls me by the arm to the dance floor. I smile as Mark tries to dance as good as he can but I surprise him when I start to Irish dance right in front of him all eyes turn to me as I dance my heart out being so silly Mark can't help but giggle at my goofiness,

"Hey Jack!" Maya says as she wipes a tear of laugher from her cheek "you're a goofball sometimes" she says commenting my amazing dance skills,

"That's my goofball" Mark replies smiling, "who did you come with Maya?" Mark questions,

"Well I did want to bring my horse Billy but yeah I don't think that's aloud" she answers laughing at her joke I can't help but laugh along. All I could think about is seeing her in her elegant purple dress riding in on her horse,

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