How Could This Happen To Me [Chapter 12]

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Mark's POV

I wake up to dried up tears staining my face as I'm clearly still grieving from the traumatic event that unraveled before my eyes. And the fact that me and Jack have decided not to get officially married because we couldn't bring ourselves to have a wedding without Steve being our best man. I can't believe he's really gone... I say to myself as I stare at the note Steve has left us as his last voice. I trace his neat handwriting with my finger, I skip the tear drops that stain the paper. I bring myself to read the note again....

Who ever is reading this you must of actually cared about me to even be able to read this note in the first place but this going to be my last message to this unforgiving earth we unfortunately call a home. Can this note please get to my only friend Mark... At the mention of my name brakes my heart, I try and hold back the tears as I keep reading. Hey Mark... I know this might be tough but I just couldn't live anymore... It was getting harder and harder to even get out of the bed in the morning... To put on a fake smile. And please do not blame yourself... You are the last person who should feel that way... Because... Because I love you Mark... I always have since we first meet each other in middle school... But Jack came along and stole your heart away from me... Don't get me wrong I was angry and sad but I didn't hate him for it especially when I saw how much he made you happy... I was happy for you but I couldn't hide my feelings anymore I had to safe myself from further pain by just ending it all... There is a lot you don't know about me Mark... And I want it to stay that way because the things that I've done are unforgivable... Thank you for being there for me Mark... And I'm sorry I had to put you through this...

I will love you forever and always...


Once I finish reading the note for a second time my heart brakes all over again I never knew Steve felt that way about me... I feel so bad... I say to myself as I look at the fresh cuts that mark my skin, I deserve it for the way I treated him...

"Mark...? You haven't came out of your room since yesterday and its graduation today... You okay love...?" I hear Jack say from the other side of the door in a soft voice,

"I'm not going! I can't bring myself to go..." I reply between sobs,

"Come on Mark please open the door... I miss you..."

"Why would you love a selfish monster like me!" I yell back,

"I'm coming in! you can't stop me!" Jack replies opening the door, light seeps into my dark room revealing the mess I am "Mark its not good just locking yourself away like this" Jack says sitting down next to me on my bed taking me into his warm loving arms. I don't say anything but cry whatever tears I have left into his sweatshirt.

"Come on Mark come to graduation with me and then we will be free from school for forever" Jack says lovingly,

"I don't think I have the energy Jackaboy..." I reply still crying,

"I'll be with you every step of the way... Because I love you Mark..." I squirm at the word love, "what's wrong Mark?" I don't say anything but hand him the note he has yet not read, I didn't dare to look at his reaction as he reads Steve's note...

Jack's POV

As I read the note Steve wrote when he was breathing his last breaths, my heart was aching and my head was racing... Steve loved Mark... What.... I didn't know why my heart was breaking Mark didn't love Steve.. Did he..? I question myself as one lone tear finds its way down my pale cheek,

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