The Call [Chapter 8]

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Mark's POV

M: Hello.

S: Hey Mark, What's up?

M: Could you please do something for me?

S: Of course Mark. What do you need?

M: Me and Jack are going to go on our first date and I brought him a promise ring...

S: Nawww that's so cute!

M: Also I'm going to ask him to be my boyfriend... and I was thinking of going to see a movie.

S: Okay, Why are you telling me this...

M: Because I think of you as one of my best friends and I trust you the most. So while we are out I was hoping you could romance up our dorm for a romantic dinner of..... Pizzaaaa!

S: Hahaha sure thing Mark! Anything for you!

M: Thank you so much Steve!

S: No problem Mark. I'll see you later on today! Bye

M: Byeeee!

[Sorry for the short chapter but it's just a build up to the next one hehe XD]

-Alexis <3

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