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Mark's POV

My heart skips a beat as I see the car coming towards me.. The intense light blinds me, I quickly shield my eyes and brace for impact. It feels like only seconds as my whole life flashes before my eyes, and its full of Jack... I still stand there waiting to finally see Steve again but I awoken from my trance from very loud honking,

"Get off the road!!" A man yells because I'm blocking his path... Is this a sign...? I say to myself as I run off the road where I would be lying dead by now if he didn't stop,

"I'm sorry sir!!" I reply back. And start walking once more.

Mark's POV

I finally realize where my brain us telling me to go when I see the cold head stones in the distance.

I instinctively make my way to Steve's head stone. Just his name craved perfectly on the stone gives me flash backs of all the childhood memories we shared together.....

10 years ago

Mark's POV

Agh I really don't want to be here... I say to myself as I walk into middle school for the first time. I'm immediately overwhelmed by all the tweens in there own social groups chatting about god knows what so I quickly speed walk into the nearest boys bathroom. Ew! I look hideous! I whisper to myself as I stare at myself in the mirror. My braces are showing making me look like a beaver... And it doesn't help that I have glasses and terrible acne... My black hair looks as greasy as a corn dog! I hate myself so much... Before I could finish my sentence I hear the doors open with a pair of footsteps trailing afterwards, I quickly run into the nearest stall and wait... I now hear two voices one of a young scared boy and another older cocky boy,

"You can run but you can't hide! Loser!!"

"Pl-please don't hurt me..." The young boy pleads,

"Too late!" I can't help but gasp quietly when I hear a small whimper and a body hitting the floor,

"Pussy!" Says the older boy as I hear him laugh and leave. I slowly make my way out of the stall to see a scared red haired boy crying on the dirty white tiled floor in a tight ball,

"A-are you alright?" I ask in a soft voice as I step closer to the poor helpless boy. At the sound of my voice the unknown boy jumps and crawls away into the closest corner clutching his stomach probably where the unknown bully punched him,

"Pl-please don't hurt me... I'll give you my lunch money! Anything! Just d-don't hurt me like everyone else does!" He pleads once again but now he's shaking,

"I won't hurt you... I promise" I say creeping closer,

"You promise...?" He questions like it was unknown to him,

"Promise" I reply at the scared injured boy who finally looks up to let me catch a glimpse of his stunning emerald eyes. I slowly and carefully make my way to sit next to this boy I still don't know the name of. When I finally sit down I say,

"Hey my name is Mark! What's yours?"


"That's a nice name"

"Why are you talking to me Mark? No one ever talks to me..."

"Because I'm new here and I want to be your friend" I reply with a warm friendly smile,

"Nawww thank you Mark... It means a lot... I've never had a friend before"

"Well Congratulations! I'm your new friend!" I reply laughing a small bit earning the same laugh from Steve, his laugh is so cute I think to myself.

Present Day

Mark's POV

"Who would know that one small event would lead up to this... Huh Steve...?" I say to no one but the head stone that stands before me. I can't hold it in anymore as I let the tears fall from my eyes once more,

"I miss you Steve..." I'm now on my knees bawling my eyes out hugging his head stone. Without even thinking I stroke my thumb over the small emerald cross,

"Why are you telling me to kill myself Steve...?" I speak to the cold stone before me like he could here me from heaven "Because I know the real Steve would never say that... Its just all in my head isn't it..?" I take a couple of deep breaths as the cold winters air enters my lungs, the simulation immediately gives me goose bumps, "Your death has really impacted my life Steve... But I think I just need to let go and focus on the now and not the past... This doesn't mean that I'll forget about you because that would be impossible... But I need to start thinking about my future with Jack... I love you brother" I don't know what this feeling is but I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. No voices. No worry. No grieve. No broken heart. Before I leave I pat Steve's head stone lovingly and smile.


Jack's POV

Mark has been gone a long time.... I'm starting to get worried... I say inside my head as I pace nervously around our dorm. Should I call him.... No he promised he'll be back soon... I say to myself to hopefully calm my ever growing anxiety for Mark's safety. But before I could think of the worse the front door swings open aggressively as a red haired man comes running in a takes me in his arms, I can't help but giggle as I return the hug,

"Oh Mark! What has gotten into you!?" I question with the biggest smile on my face from how much better Mark seems,

"I don't know Jack.. I really don't know.. I just don't feel as sad anymore" Mark replies with smile painted across his adorable face,

"I'm glad you're feeling better love" I reply giving him a quick kiss on the lips, oh how I misses kissing him.. I say inside my head "oh by the way Mark I've booked an appointment for you to see the councillor at the hospital on Monday. Is that alright baby...?" I ask,

"Yes! I'll go for you Jack!" Mark says his beautiful smile not leaving his face... Not even for a second "Well I better not brake my promise now..."

"What do you mean..?" I question but before I could ask anymore questions I'm swept up into Mark's arms bridle style as he carefully carries me to our bedroom,

"Didn't I promise we were going to cuddle the night away didn't I...?"

"Oh that's right hehe" I immediately blush as I get comfortable and slowly let sleep consume me but before I can peacefully drift off to sleep I hear a husky voice say from the darkness beyond,

"I love you Jack"

"I love you too"

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