The Awkward Talk [Chapter 7]

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Jack's POV

I wake up with a splitting headache attacking at my brain, alone once again in my bed I've missed so much. Mark must of woken up early.... I say to myself as I sluggishly make my way to the kitchen to get some painkillers but I suddenly stop to look up at the ceiling above my head to see a new hole there that wasn't there before. Wow we really need to fix all the holes before we get in trouble I say to myself. When I arrive at the kitchen my eyes immediately glance over to the hole in the wall that still waits to be repaired. I stop in my tracks when I finally realize that Mark is sitting alone at the dinning table eating a bowl of cereal, refusing to make eye contact. I down my painkillers and start to pour my own bowl of my favorite cereal of all time.... Lucky Charms, but knowing my clumsily self I drop my bowl... when the bowl makes contact with the hard wood floor underneath my feet it explodes onto tiny glass shards across the floor,

"Fucken hell!" I say as I start to pick up the mess I made. Mark doesn't even bother to help me.... somethings wrong... I say to myself. I finally finish cleaning up and sit down at the table across from him. This is awkward.... I say to myself,

"So...." I say quietly as I stare at the hard wood table in front of me,

"We need to clear some things up Jack...." Mark reply's in a serious voice,


"Olivia came and saw me after you didn't come back in the morning and she said....." Mark says taking a long pause,  "she said you came into her room, drunk out of your mind and... raped her...." I'm stunned, I feel like I just got shot in the heart and punched in the stomach. I would never do that to anyone! I scream inside my head,

"Mark, you know I'll never do anything like that" I say calmly trying not to lose my temper,

"But the note said you were going out for a drink...."

"Just please hear me out... yes I did go for a drink just because I had a bad dream... I did get a little drunk but I'm pretty sure someone drugged me because I passed out and woke up in the forest where you found me..."

"What was the dream about...?" Mark asks ignoring what I said,

"It was silly really..." I reply "I just dreamed about you leaving me for Olivia and you told me to kill myself and I listened..." I say struggling to get the words out as my throat hurts from the result of me almost bursting into tears once again "It felt so real.."

"Oh Jack... I didn't know it effected you that much" Mark says softly as he finally stands up and pulls me into his arms, holding me softly so he doesn't damage his arm anymore than it already is.


Mark's POV

I embrace Jack as he cries soft tears into my chest. I lovingly run my hand through his green hair trying so hard to not cry myself as flashbacks of the night I was about to take my last breath come flooding into my mind,

"Jack, I believe you..." I say softly, but I need to tell you something as well..."

"What is it Mark...?"

"We should go sit down first..." I say as I hold Jack's small, white hand once more. It feels so good to be with him again I say inside my head as I sit down on our couch with the one I love so much,

"So...?" Jack says, concern creeping into his voice "What do you want to tell me?"

"After Olivia left I didn't know what to believe... I was heartbroken, depressed and suicidal.... I went to the drawer to get the gun I kept and I was going to shoot myself but thanks to Steve he saved my life... he called me mere seconds before I was going to take my final breath... that's why there is a hole in the ceiling of the bedroom" I say tears finally making their way down my pale cheeks,

"Oh Mark... I'm so sorry for causing you this much pain...." Jack says refusing to make eye contact still crying himself.

"Don't worry as long as I have you I'm not going anywhere. You know why?" I ask.


"Because I love you Sean" I say as I lovingly place my hand on his chin to tilt his head up to meet my eyes. "And I want to spend the rest of my living days with you"

"I love you too Mark" Jack reply's crying tears of joy.

"And at that would you like to go on a date with me..?" I say staring into Jack's gorgeous blue eyes.

"Of course! I would love that!"

[I hope you liked this chapter and the next one is going to be fun to write and hopefully to read!]


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