At Last, We're Together [Chapter 6]

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[I'm so sorry, I don't upload all the time it's just so hard with everything going on but let me know do you guys like long chapters or short chapters? Because it would be easier to upload short chapters but if I started writing short chapters they will probably be more than 600-800 words. So let me know what's best guys. Well enough from me. Byes]

Mark's POV

I quickly excuse myself as I make my way speedily to the kitchen and answer the call.....

"Oh My God Jack!?! Is that really you!?! Are you alright!?! I practically yell almost bursting into tears already.
I wait on the erie line anxiously as my heart is pounding so hard it physically hurts until I can't take it any longer I yell,

"Goddammit Jack!! Answer Me?" I start to burst into tears like the baby I am...
I take a couple of deep breaths as I try to calm myself down slightly,

"Well Jack... Try and stay on the line as long as you can I'm going to try and track the call.... I love you" I say, all I can hear is Jack's beautiful, soothing voice mixed with a great deal of static. Sadly I can't make out any words. I can't waste anymore time I say to myself as I basically sprint out of the kitchen, pulling back the urge to yell,

"Come on Steve! I know where Jack is!"


Mark's POV

As we silently drive to the location on my phone so many thoughts start to cloud my mind. Why is Jack in the forest? Is he alright? How long has he been there? Does he still love me?

"Mark? Mark!" I get shaken out of my train of thought by Steve,

"We're here" Steve says with a hint of anxiety in this voice,

"Let's get a move on" I reply as I jump out of Steve's car and run into the never ending dark void of trees to save my lover...



Jack's POV

"Well Jack... Try and stay on the line as long as you can, I'm going to try and track the call.... I love you" Mark says calmly,

"I love you too Mark!" I try and say as I start to climb down the tree to safety to wait for my knight in shining armour to come and save me from this living nightmare.


Jack's POV

It has felt like forever since I've heard Mark's comforting, husky voice. He better get here soon... It's getting quite cold... I say to myself as I watch the sun set behind the tall trees that surround me. The sky is filled with a vivid red, red at night shepherd's delight, red in the morning shepherd's warning I say to myself. A quote that my mother use to always say to me as a youngster.
The bright yellow sun starts to punch it's way through the gaps between the dense trees that surround me as the sun makes its way down the ever growing dark sky.


Jack's POV

It starts to get extremely cold now. I pull my knees up to my chest as the result, to try and conceive as much body heat I can.

I sit here staving, cold, depressed, lonely, scared and just craving some love. All these emotions are clouding my head as I feel my eyes building up tears until I brake down. Tears streaming down my pale cheeks like a dam that just broke. The only light source is a faint illumination of my phones budget flashlight...

"Why is this happening to me and Mark....?" I whisper to myself through the tears "why can't we just finally be happy together....?"

But before I could do anything else, I am frozen by fear as I hear two pairs of faint footsteps in the distance. My heart starts to thump harder and harder as the footsteps creep closer with every passing second. I don't even know what to do is to try and call Mark.... I turn on my data quickly and call him on Skype.... It feels like exactly two seconds later until I hear the Skype ringtone off in the distance, without even thinking I jump up so fast that my legs hurt from sitting down so long, I call out,

"Mark!? Is that you!?" I start to run in the direction I heard the noise,

"Yes! Jack! I'm here!" I hear Mark yell in the distance,

"I'm coming Mark!" I yell back until I see a glowing white light "Mark is that you?!" I say in a quieter tone but before I could think of what's happening next I see my lover run up to me and pull me into a passionate embrace, holding me close. I can't help but to cry tears of joy to finally be in Mark's warm loving arms once more, but sadly the hug comes to an end but it's not over yet... Mark quickly pulls me in for a loving kiss, his cold soft lips feel perfect on mine.

"Let's get you home" Mark says once he pulls away, wiping a tear off my cheek,

"Yes please" I reply but before I know it I'm swept off my feet and carried back to Steve's car.


I hope you like this chapter guys let me know if you like the smaller chapters! Love ya!❤️


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