Last Chapter.

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[Hey guys I know this is weird but I think that I am not capable of finishing this story to the way I would of wanted it. I am very sorry to let you all down like this but I think this is the best way if I just end the story and start another but I will give you the end so I'm not a total troll XD but here we go....]

60 years later.......
Jack's POV

I look over at my daughter we had adopted only what felt like weeks ago which actually was a life time ago.... I'm so proud of her... to see our beautiful grand children before us... I turn my attention to Mark... he looks so different from when I first meet him in his youth. His once red hair now grown out by gray hairs, sadly so did mine.

"Jack....?" I hear my still fiancé speak to me with soft weary words,

"Yes Mark?" I respond as I hold my dying fiancé's hand,

"I can't die without being married to you Jack...."

"Me either..."

"I love you Jack" Mark says as a priest walks in our hospital door, I can't help but feel a little embarrassed to be seen on my death bed by a server of God "Sean I know this should of happened a long time ago but will you finally after all these years of waiting will you please marry me?" I am speechless... am I really about to get married to the man I have quite literally spent my whole life with.... on our death beds?

"Oh yes!" I reply tears already making their way down my pruned skin,

"Mark do you take Sean to be your husband to love and to hold for as long as you both shall live?" The priest says,

"I do"

"Sean do you take Mark to be your husband to love and to hold for as long as you both shall live?" The priest repeats, I take a little longer to respond as I can feel my heart beat quicker as I can see the light slowly blinding me. I take one last look at my beautiful daughter I see as my own and shoot her a loving smile. I slowly shift my gaze to Mark, his eyes swelling up with tears as I feel my last breath about to arise, but I use my last dying breath to say........

"I do"


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