#15 : Care

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A week later , Myongjumyul Cemetery , Gangnam .

Jung Aeri p.o.v.

The crowd left the funeral after it's all done . I looked back at Chanyeol and his parents . They left Park Yoora's grave after Chanyeol managed to calm his eomma down .

It's kinda ironic how I heard Yoora eonni's voice for the first and the last time at the same time , sobbed myself  .

Then I looked at Saena eonni . She's still in front of Do Kyungsoo's grave . Nae , he is the MBC photographer and also Saena eonni's namjachingu . Somehow I felt bad for her , coz they had just started their official relationship a month ago . Just a month . And now he's gone .

I know she's crying so hard right know , but she tried to hide it very well . To be honest , she'll always hide her sadness since appa's death . I saw her cried before when she's going to commit suicide few years ago . But this time , she cries so much . But at least she didn't grinned . Her eyes are sobby , that's all .

Maybe Do Kyungsoo seonbae's death reminded her with our late appa .

" Aeri - ah , kaja . " Hanyeol eonni called me from the behind .

I refused . " I'm going home with Saena eonni today . "


" Eonni , gwaenchanhnayo...? " I asked her a stupid question while she's driving me home . Obviously she's not okay . I can see that her eyes are still red and sobby .

She nodded before looking at me with a fake smile . " Nan gwaenchanhna . Waeyo ? Baegeopeuneyo ( Are you hungry ) ? " she asked me sincerely .

I nodded , also with a fake smile . To be honest , I'm really hungry right now . Eomma wouldn't allow us to eat lunch . In our life , there were only breakfast and dinner . That's all .

" Why don't you eat at my house ? I'll cook something for you . Eottae ? "

Once again I nodded , but this time with a relief smile .

Maybe she tries to win my heart back .


The next day , Gangnam .

I went to the hall . My self training class with Park Chanyeol today is still on , eventhough I think that it wouldn't be nice if I bother him at this time . He just lost his sister .

He was punching the punchbag when I knocked the door . He greeted me with his usual cheerful smile . " Come in . "

" Mian if I bother you , oppa . I think that we should cancel our training today... " I said it with guilty .

" Mwo ? Waeyo ? "

" Well you know...it's not the right time today , since you had just lost your... "

" Gwaenchanhna . " he glanced a sad smile . " God loves my noona more than us . You know that right ? It has nothing to do with our training . "

" Are you sure...? Wouldn't you need a rest...? "

" Ani , nan gwaenchanhna . Waeyo ? You don't feel well today ? "

" Gwaenchanhna . " I smile .

" Daebak . Then why don't we start our training right now ? The tournament will start around the corner . " exclaimed him energetically .

" Mwo ? What tournament ? " I asked .

" Oh you don't know ? Come here . " we went to his bagpack . He took out an advertisement paper and showed it to me .

Summer Show : Woman Wrestling Tournament .

I ignored the other informations . Then I took a peek at the grand prize .

" ₩10 million ?! Holy fuck ! That's a lot like hell ! " swore me .

" Haha , I know right . Actually I wanna join this ; but since it's only opened for yeoja , so why not my trainee join this and win a worthful prize for her eomma and a better life ? " he looked at me with a smile .

" Mwo ? Naega ? " how can I win this tournament when I only know taekwondo instead of wrestling ?

This guy's gotta be kidding me .

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