Epilogue + Information

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The McCall's had been so kind to the girl who use to belong in a nuthouse. They let her live with them like she was apart of their family--they made her feel like she was one of them. Never once had they made her feel crazy. They cared for her, they helped her, they loved her.

Everyone was being so nice to her. Stiles, who gave her one of his old phones, worried constantly about how she was doing and texted her often. Malia, who was trying to became more human than the rest of them, visited either her or Stiles (as she trusted them the most). Scott, whom was trying to protect the girl across the hall, always concerned himself into her life. Melissa, who became her new mother, was protective of her new daughter.

Then there was Lydia.

Taryn wanted to get to know the girl that helped save her. She wanted to thank the strawberry-blonde and possibly become her friend. But Taryn couldn't. She killed her best friend. Allison Argent was dead because of her; and Taryn was too much of a coward to confront herself to Lydia Martin and apologize for all she had done wrong.

She even talked about this one evening with Stiles. He reassured her Lydia wouldn't blame her, that Lydia was a strong girl and very smart. Taryn nodded along like she believed him, but she couldn't see how anyone could ever forgive her for murdering a friend. Sure, Scott forgave her and Stiles did too, but she had known the two before she did what she did. Maybe Taryn just wanted to give Lydia more time?

So when Lydia walked up to the girl on her first day of Beacon Hills high, Taryn was almost trembling, but the bright smile on the girl calmed the Brooks girl down enough to listen to what she wanted to say. And what the girl said almost made Taryn break down and cry right in front of her.

"If you ever need any help with school work you can always come to me." Lydia had said, pulling her school books to her chest with a grin. "You're apart of our lives now and I'm happy to help in any way."

Taryn hadn't said anything and only stared ahead at the girl. The smile on her face never ceased even as Taryn remained mute. With a playful eye roll, Lydia closed Taryn's locker and helped her to her first class.

"Thank you." Taryn whispered as the two girls pushed themselves into their seats. "For everything."


"Taryn!" Stiles' loud voice carried across the hall as he rushed over to the girl he cared about. She jumped at the sudden appearance and Stiles helped her hold her books before they fell to the tiles. "Oh, careful, sorry."

She rolled her eyes as she pushed her books to her chest. Stiles laughed at her expression and Taryn nearly pushed her books into his chest. However, she remained still as Stiles calmed down and set his palm on her back, giving the girl a dashing smile.

"See you at lunch, right?"

Taryn pushed her eyebrows together in confusion. "Of course."

The boy grinned and said a short farewell before making his way over to where Scott was waiting for him. The alpha waved over to the girl and Taryn did the same back, watching Scott tease Stiles before disappearing behind the corner. She pursed her lips at the two, thinking about how they both meant so much to her--maybe in different ways, but caring nonetheless.

With a final check to make sure she had her correct books so she didn't have to have another embarrassing encounter with her economics teacher, she closed her locker and turned around to make her way to class.

But as she spun around and took a step, she nearly toppled over from the amount of pressure that hit her head and the way her vision went blurry. With a little wobble, she leaned her body against the metal lockers and started taking deep breaths to calm herself.

She had no idea what was happening. This was the second time since she broke free from the Nogitsune that her vision went fuzzy, not to mention that this morning her nose started bleeding--albeit not that bad, but this was the first time since that time in Eichen when she got pushed into a wall that her nose had bled.

This was new.

But it was normal to sometimes feel sick after being possessed, right? She'd have to wait and see, she didn't want to concern herself with Scott and Stiles since they were both happy to finally have some peace. She wasn't going to ruin their time on her petty problems. They had already done so much for her. This was something she was going to have to keep to herself.

At least for now.


not edited

The Sequel has been posted! You can find it on my page or in the external link!

Thank you guys for reading the first book in her story. Now without further ado, please enjoy Human:

 Now without further ado, please enjoy Human:

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