New kids

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*Lula pov*
"Miss. Micarthy will you pay att-" Mrs. Lark started. "ention to me teach a class I hate but am stuck in. Yes Mrs. Lark I'm paying attention to your cake face." I finished for her. I corrected my notes. Apparently I'm paying more attention than her. I'm the only one that studies and doesn't just look up the test online. Before Mrs. Lark could retaliate the door opened and some very tall and very muscly boys walked in. I'm not really into boys but I watched from my leper corner as they all trailed in. About four of them walked in a beautiful girl walks in. 

Super tall, brown hair, blue eyes though the one on the right side of her face looked more purple. Wearing black skinny jeans, black boots, and red t-shirt with a leather jacket. Like the boys she walked in with she is like muscular. She scans the room looking everyone over. Then she sees me in my lonely corner. The tips of her mouth curve upward. I blushed and looking down at my notebook. Why did she smile? "Class these are the transfer students. They're going to need a guide the first few days, Lula show them around after class, you should be free." 

A lot of people in class snicker while I nodded in agreement. Yep thank you for pointing out the fact that I have no life. It's because I'm an ass though... I mean I guess that could be part of it. "There are no assigned seats so just sit wherever is comfortable." Most of the available seats are buy the teachers desk. Only teachers pest sit there, but it's better than sitting next to me. There are a lot of chairs open around me and my corner. It was the circle of protection. To my utter and complete surprise I watch as they all walked straight to my corner. Thought the teacher started speaking and for once I tried to appear like I was paying attention. I always am but I have a habit of reading ahead and looking bored. And I'm not used to having so many people in my bubble.

 The girl whose name I was to afraid to ask leaned in. "What's she talking about?" I froze. She talked to me? "Last weeks discussion. Uh here." I flipped back a few pages on my notebook and handed it to her. A few minutes latter she handed them back. "Thanks." Our hands brush and for a moment. I pull the notebook to the center of the desk pretending it didn't happen. Then I whispered, "Your welcome." before yet again pretending to ignore her. In fact I was doing the exact opposite. She is hot. Like no one here doesn't were makeup. They cake it on. It's refreshing to actually see a girls face. Not the one they make a five in the morning. She started to lean in again I handed her my notes before she asked, but she handed it back immediately saying, " Was just going to say my names Selien." 

I turned to her, "Sorry I just assumed. It's how it usually works for me." I was right about one eye being purple. It's very beautiful up close. She smiled and chuckled a bit, "And here I was wondering how I scared you off." You'll want to latter. Though I'll let you figure that out yourselves. I smiled a bit, "All people scare me or are scared of me." The bell rang signaling the end of class. " Alright next time I see you I want a completed essay on all major uses of lighting in horror sense. Lula make sure you don't ditch the transfer students." Mrs. Lark said desperate to grab her students attention. I sighed debating on just ignoring her, as I packed up my stuff they were already waiting for me. I mean at least they are nice on the eyes. If you're into that. I quickly zipp up my backpack walking to the door. I waved at them to follow me. Internally hope they aren't like everyone else. They will be but for now they seem nice.

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