Cave exit

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*Cassie pov*

Okay, I promise myself that after I find Lula I am passing out till christmas. I can barely produce a light to guide me. And that is seriously saying something. Producing that shield was based on pure audrienelien. I doubt that I could defend myself by majic again. I coughed feeling all the strain on my body and even soul. I lied to Meghan on how roughly I was affected. I'll recover and be fine. No need to worry. I coughed again, I chocked up some sort of liquid. I couldn't see what it looked like. I dimmed my light. Almost there.

*Lula pov*
We had been standing around for several minutes. I had been silent trying to fight fear and anxiety. I don't like being trapped. The wispers suddenly stopped and we heard stumbling footsteps. We all turned to see an aproaching figure. We all sighed in relief when we saw it was just Cassie. "Why are you still down here?" The skinny guy stepped forward. "It's seeled." Cassie nodded her head. She saw me and her face reflected relief. She looked somehow without any exastion that she had earlier. She headed towards the ladder than slowly scaled the ladder. She reached the top and reached out her hand covering the hole. She than reached her arm behind her and it transformed into a giant black paw with extreemly long paws extended. She then swiped at the hole and several pieces of rock fell. And so did she.

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