Some Questions

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I didn't understand most of what they said but I did get the basic understanding of what was going to happen. I was going to stay here until further notice. There was going to be a change in there defences and some wierd questioning was going to happen were they would draw out any other traitors. Cassie passed out about halfway threw the meeting thing and Meghan caried her to her room. It was a little wierd with the fact that Cassie is the tall one and Meghan is the one bieng a badass. But fuck it cause steriotypes suck. For the record I hate sports. She used a lot of energy on the spell. The alphas were very nice. They were a male and a female but it made sence on why they are Alphas. They left then me and Selien returned to cuddling on the bed. But before we could get settled in fully, an alarm started blaring and Selien went on full defensive mode. "We're under attack. Come with me and stay close." I said nothing as fear gripped me. I did exactly as she said. I stayed behind her holding onto her hand as she guided me down the halls. Several other people running past us. We went down several stairs until we entered an obvious basment. We finally stopped in front of a mostly hidden enterance. I saw Meghan and Cassie as well. By now I was seriously starting to freak out. "It's going to be fine. Just stay with Cassie and you'll be safe." Selien said after putting both hands on my shoulders and watching my face. "But what about you?" I asked suprised we were seperating at a time like this. "I have to fight with the Warriors. I am the future Alpha and I am required to fight. But don't worry. I have not lost a fight in years. I don't plan on starting today." She tried to ashure me. I resisted from showing her how little it helped. Before we could do anything else Cassie and Meghan appeared. "We gotta move." Meghan said starting to pull Selien away. Selien kept looking back at me. As if I would disapear at any moment. I could not look away. Until Cassie grabbed my arm carefully pulling my away and threw the enterance. The huge bolted door swung closed as soon as we crossed the doorway. I was resisting greatly from slipping threw the gap. Even after it closed. When it finally bolted closed my desire to leave turned into fear. I was worried about Selien. Then Cassie let me go and I turned to her. She was reflecting my inner turmoul. "Everytime it gets less easier. Even when she reminds me of her power I can't stop worrying. Though I know she worries for me as well. I am able to defend myself but still she worries like I do. I only know that Selien is more scared than you are. Not because of her own well bieng. But yours." I glanced back at the enterance. I guess what she was saying made a lot of sence. "Come, I need rest and you need answers. Well want not need." I turned back to her and decided to just follow her. Not like I have much choice. She guided me to a bed that was not very far from the enterance. And only then did I realize that the room was filled with about a hundred people. "Peole that can't, or wont fight. I am the peacekeeper. I do not fight unless there is no other option." I sat on the oposite end of were Cassie was laying down. She seemed to be waiting for me to do something. Then I realized what. "Um... why am getting so close so quick? It sometimes feels out of my control." I found myself asking. Barley even noticing it in the first place. Cassie chuckled,"It's the mate bond. If it was anyone else you would have slapped them and called them a stalker or just plain creapy. So don't worry it is completly natural. The mate bond is the conection between the mates. It can alert you to were the other person is if you concentrate on it, and if there life is in danger. But it also draws you to fall for them very quickly. Though I have honestly never seen someone be mated to the wrong person. Some people believe it to be impossible." Well that's pretty cool. Then something else popped into my mind that scared me. "Um... when are we... expected to... um... actualy... mate?" Cassie coughed. Her face going full on red. Obviously not expecting that question. "Well it's not really required to happen. Ever. Though something that is hard to avoid is marking." She said at max speed. Guess she is a virgin than. Guess that might be the same for Meghan. Internaly I wanted to destroy her inocence. Though something warned me not to. "Marking is a very easy thing to do and all mates desire to do it. It ensures that they will not be taken by a mateless. Story for another time." She pulled off her sweater and pulled her t shirt to show a huge and tribal like tatoo. "It's my mark. It is large because of our power combined is very dangerous. But our bond holds us back. Each desighn has a different meaning that is formed as time goes on. If you see Meghans you will see that it is very different than mine. Stating how much our peraenalities clash. Nobody could predict us to be eachothers. But we clash in a perfect way. We are also different spiecyes. So we age in the same way. When I reach her physical age I'll stop ageing. Or she will start aging again. Whatever we choose." Cassie then put her sweater back on. I was in aw. "How is it done?" Cassie opened her mouth to answer but before she did there was a bang on the door. And all went silent.

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