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"Here," I said handing Selien the Jambalaya. "Oh thanks, it smells amazing." Selien said while taking the food. I turned around hiding the hotness that had risen to my cheeks. I moved to sit on my bed to eat. "Thanks I made it," I stated. I pulled my bag on my bed so I could start my ridiculous amount of homework. I seemed to not be having any troubles with a broken hand. Probably cause I'm right handed. Though every sound Selien was making was somehow distracting me. My neighboring dorm room occupants are whores. Never really bugged me before. Now I suddenly can't take a spoon scraping on a bowl. 

I grabbed my ipod from my side table to block her out. Guess what the first song that came up was. The only fucking love song that I downloaded because the singer is hot. Skip that shit. I really need to get rid of that bullshit song. Love is fucking bullshit. Just a shitload of chemicals in your brain. Why else would people choose to be in an abusive relationship? Why am I even thinking about it? I'm supposed to be naming all the star constellations in the norther hemisphere and there orgin. Fucking idiot. I realized that Selien was standing  in front of me trying to get my attention. I paused the music and pull out the earbuds. "Where is the restroom?"
"Turn right down the hall there should be a sign." I said. I put my headphones back in before she even left. It was nothing against her. I actually kind of liked her. But like I said before all people scare me or are scared of me. Though to be honest no body is scared of me. I just say that to sound less pathetic. After she left I finally looked over at her side of the dorm room. The dorm rooms were very simple. There were two sides of them with a single bed bolted to the wall with an attached side table and a wardrobe at the foot of the bed. Selien had already had unpacked everything. Her wardrobe was neatly littered with pictures of wolfs and several groups of people.

I feel captivated by the pictures of the wolfs. The photographer must be really lucky cause in every picture the wolfs seemed to be posing for the camera. Wolfs are pretty cool I guess. What am I doing again? Ugg... I'm never going to get anything done at this rate. You know what I'm just going to go to sleep. I didn't even bother changing my clothes. I now have to leave my room to do that. I turned off the lights and climbed into bed. All the crazy things that had happened to me today. I deserve to sleep, exhaustion set in and I quickly fall into a deep sleep.

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