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*Casey pov*
I felt bad for what was happening to Rosally. But I didn't have the time or energy at this moment. Thea isn't actually gonna hurt her. I couldn't let them know they could stop me. I began the  first part. Tearing down the protective barrier for the Dark spell. This part was written out. It had to be written out on my soul to appear on my body.

*Thea pov*
I was holding Rosaly in the air again. "You could have stopped her!" I felt the Alphas pulling it both of my arms. I tried to fight against them but they are stronger than me. "I'm sorry I'm not familiar with the spell." Rosally said running off. Oh I am going to kill you if it's the last thing I do. "Thea I'm sorry but if you don't calm down we are going to have to chain you up." I immediately stopped resisting. I can't leave Casey in this state. They let me go and I returned to Casey. I just watched as the symbol on his arm spread. Slowey curving. "Come back to me."

*Time skip 5 hours*

*Casey pov*

I finally finished the design on my body that was the physical form of the spell to undo the protective barrier of the Dark spell. I had found I was able to use the book.  Well the spirit of the book. I would have already failed if I couldn't do that. After the protective barrier was down, well it didn't really say. It basically said good luck don't die. Right before I activated the spell I looked over at Thea. I feel so guilty for what I'm doing. I should have warned her, but she would have stopped me. I know it's dangerous, but I felt like I had to. Like a gut feeling. "I'm sorry Thea."

*Thea pov*
Casey's body heat continued to get hotter as more symbols appeared. They are normally cold this isn't right. They even appear on his face. I get up and begin pacing and fearfully biting my nails. Glancing at him every now any then. Suddenly the symbols went red and fire exploded from his mouth for about ten seconds then the symbols turned black. I rushed over to him. Now he's ice cold.

*Casey pov*
I watch as my physical body reacted to the fairy spell. It is a little wierd to see myself breathing fire. Kinda bad ass though. I heard a hissing sound from behind me. I look behind my to see black mist had surrounded Lula and was continuing to expand in different directions and forms. A tentacle formed and grabbed Selien and threw her at a wall. The written spell offered me temporary invisibility. It also increased my abilities while in this state. As soon as I do something that invisibility is gone. It will turn into a week barrier. I prefer to use words in a confrontation. Though words will not work in this situation. Cause my spells need no words. I'm not like most Witches. I don't practice many spells of violence. I am a light witch. "Light oh light be in my hands, to destroy the darkness in these lands." I chanted and I felt my power pulsing to my hands. I closed my eyes imagining the objects I wanted to form. 

My light took physical shape but no weight to them. I felt the pulsing end and opened my eyes. Now having a weightless sword and shield in hand. The mist had expended even further. There were different parts of it braking off and forming into different beasts. I remember what the book said. Face the terrors and hope not to die. Good advice very helpful. A tentacle monster, or Terror as the book called it, was closest to me. On of the tentacles swipe by my legs and I stab it. I twist the blade and pull away like Thea taught me. To cut it in half using it's own momentum. The momentum in my sward sliced the tentacle into two tentacles black mist dripped from the wound and the Terror turned it's attention to me. As it rose the form was beginning to look less like mist but more detailed and solidified. Okay that's a little creepy. Or cool if it wasn't for the fact that it sees me now. That all do. And now they are all going to try to kill me.

*Thea pov*
I had turned around to get some blankets for Casey when the mist exploded from Lula. I stayed by Casey in a protective stance. Pulling a daggers from both of my boots. I watched as the mist grabbed Selien and Selien flew threw the air. I didn't move to help her. Casey's safety is more important than hers. She can take care of herself. I watch as the mist separated and formed into different forms. Suddenly I noticed symbols similar to the ones on Casey appear in the air. In between the glowing symbols was a sort of white mist. Forming him body shape, ears  and tail included. His form is somewhat translucent. And they appeared to be holding a sword and shield. It's Casey, sword and shield are the only melee weapons he knows how to use. I watch as he stabbed the clump of tentacles and my heart stopped. My feet seemed to be rooted to the ground. 

I want to help him fight these monsters but I have an unbeatable urge to protect his body. So all I can do is watch as he ran at the being slashing at tentacles that swung at him. Then Casey jumped as in slow motion thrusting his sword deep into the creature. I watch as it wiggles violently desperately trying to throw him off. Suddenly the being began to wither and convulse. Casey kept her sword in the beast even after it stopped moving.  The beast than began to dissolve into the air. I noticed that a symbol on the back disappeared as well. The rest of the beast turned to him seeming to have noticed there fallen companion. They all at once began to stalk towards him. Casey's weapons turned into his boy of unending arrows. I know somehow it will not be enough. But I can't move. Something is holding me back. 

One of them fell as another came within striking range. I watched it in slow motion. The beast stood behind him as he took aim at another beast in front of him. Both arms reaching up, him taking aim, as it's the claw extended. It beginning it's downward swipe as Casey released the arrow to go to it's target. Suddenly then force released me and I ran with my supernatural speed at the ugly beast. I tore it's arm off as it's claw cut a single hair of his head. I looked over at Casey seeing that him almost as if I wasn't looking at his spirit. Like he was the body unconscious in the chair. I don't give either of us time think about it. "Give me a weapon that will kill these ugly beasts." I said to Casey who looked shocked beyond words. He released another arrow into the armless beast and turned the bow into twin daggers and handed them to me. I then stabbed a dagger deep into the back of the beast whos arm was regenerating. "I'll supply the weapons and you use them." Casey said pulling out of his surprised daze. 

Casey kneeled on the ground dragging his fingertips on the ground beside him. "Dear friend my light a weapon be, so the sun again may we see." The light seeped in threw the ground forming it's self into weapons. Now this, this is what fun looks like.

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