Room Mate

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We barley made it on time. One of the guys had grabbed my backpack from the football idiots. I know their names it just feels better when I don't use them. Selien had escorted me to my classroom and only left when I promised nothing bad would happen to me. I don't know how normal relationships work but it's kinda weird having someone worry about you. I'm not complaining, just an observation. They are acting protective of me not even an hour after we meet. Hell they beat up the football players. I still had to give them a tour of the campus. I owed them at least that. Even if they do scare me. 

The clock hit 10 and all the students pilled out. I walked to the front of the room to talk to the only teacher that was too boring to hate me. "Hello dear, you fall again?" I nodded. He shook his head at me. "I wouldn't be surprised if someone had to wheel you on stage fore you graduation." He would be the only one willing to wheel me up. "Okay so do you think string theory is gonna ever be proven." He and I somtimes bet on stuff after class. He chuckled. "Just black holes every part of the universe can be explained and will. Though I do not bet on wich I have too much of an advantage. Now Sydney, I think she'll go for Brian this time." Sydney is fun to bet on. She dates a guy and then goes back to the two guys she can't choose between. It's really quite sad.

Selien entered the room but stayed by the door. "I'll help you Miss when I finish helping Lula here." Mr. Fookl said to Selien. "Oh no I'm just waiting for Lula," Selien said, "sorry for the intrusion. Continue, please." I picked up my bag. "Well she picked him the last two times. She usually does the three than three. But I think she's gonna go for Eddy in the end. So I vote for Eddy by the end of the week." He chuckled. He thinks that she's going to go for Brian. He is better for her but she likes the bad boys. "Your ten buck will be mine again. And I'm voting twenty on the green one." Right I forgot about this wager. I knew he would go for the green. He has a good history. Higher probability of winning. "He's gonna switch him out again, but I think the rocket has him this time so you're on." We shook hands.

"See you next week then. Also our last wager." He handed me ten bucks. I'm getting better. It is just ten bucks. Neither of us really bet that high. We both don't make a lot of money. "Good night Mr. Fookl." I gabbed my bag and walked over to the door where Selien was. Looking a little confused. "I say again watch you step young lady." Selien held the door for me. What is she doing here anyway. "What was all that," Selien asked a moment latter. "Uh, we bet on mathematical probability of people and things." I said, quite embarrassed that I stammered. "So you were betting horses and stuff." I bobbed my head back and forth. "Sometimes horses, but mostly people and the robot fights that the robotics club puts on." 

"So you're a gambler." I could hear her distaste for gambling. I laughed. "No." I handed her the ten buck. She gave me a confused look than took it. She just looked at it for a second than stopped walking. "It's fake? Fake money?" I chuckled enjoying her confusion. I like knowing things other people don't. It's exciting in it's own way. "We both start out with equal amount and when one can't bet anymore the game ends we become equal again." She gave it back nodding her head thinking. "Who is winning?" We both started walking again. "I've lost three he's lost three but I might win this one to. He only has forty left."

"So you're like wicked smart then?" I blushed at her complimenting me. I don't get praise from anyone. Trust me when I say the last time I was compliment from anyone but Mr. Fookl was years ago. If it even was a compliment. Is cat calling a compliment? No I guess not. "Not really, I just have a... good memory. Besides it's just math. Why did you wait for me? It's late." I'm gonna try to change the topic. I'm not used to talking to people. Especially about me. Though I already know I hate talking about myself. "Problem with my dorm room. What are you trying to degree in?" Selien said effortlessly throwing it back on me. "Astronomy. You?" I can play this game. Come at me! Actually please don't you scare me. "Undecided, for to many options that sound like fun. I'll pick eventually. I mean it's just sophomore year."

By then we reached the female dorm house. It wasn't very far. Selien held the door open for me yet again. Buckling my seat and now opening doors. I can do things for myself. Most girls were in bed by now or up late studying or like all colleges hosting a party with a lot of alcohol. "Dorm room?" I asked. "Uh room 472." I stopped causing Selien to stop. "That's my room, you should just request a room change." I don't know how they messed this up. No one rooms with me. Selien looked confused, "Why?" Why was she even asking? It should be obvious. I'm a freak here. A smart one but a freak none the less. I'm not someone you want to ever associate yourself with. I kind of wanna just tell her.

But it's late, I have homework to do, I need something to eat so all I said was, "Whatever, you'll figure it out." Then headed upstairs Selien following me. You could easily spot room 472. I'll give you a hint. It's the one that has a bunch of vandalism on the door. Stuff like lesbibitch, slut, gypsy, not very original to be honest. "Who does this?" Selien said sounding very upset. "Don't know don't care," I stated as I unlock and open the door. My room was a bit messy but who actually gives a fuck. Some boxes were on the empty bed. More like a cot to be honest. "Well this is it. Guess your stuff is already here. Here is the spare key don't lose it there is no replacement. I got some leftover Jambalaya that I planned on eating it but there should be enough for two if you want some?" I started to realize how nervous I was. I guess you could say I do not have the best experience with my past roommate. Many terrible and cruel pranks. "Sure that sounds nice." She said as she moved to her several boxes of things and began to unpack. I fished for the Jambalaya and separated it into two bowls. Then stuck them one by one into the microwave.

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