Wierd Reunion

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I have no idea how much time has passed. It feels like hours have gone by. I forgot to bring my phone and god dam social anxiety cause now I can't ask someone what time it is. Moving in the tunnel was fine. I could barly see my hand in front of my face. But here we are in a meadow out in the open. I can see everyone and everyone can see me. And I'm pretty sure I'm the only human here. "Cassie!" Is that Meghan. I can't see.People were sanding up crowding and staring. Fuck you mind your own buisness. "Lula!" Okay that was undoubtably Selien. They both sound worried. Were the hell are they. I stood up turning around looking for them. "Over here!" I yelled. Meghan appeared first looking frantic. Her eyes went bright red when she saw Cassie. Then glared and me slowly stalking closer. "Meghan stand down." Selien said appearing as well. Meghan ignored her. I slowly started backing up. Trying not to trip over Cassie as she was behind me. Red eyes are the first sighn of a blood frenzy. Though she could still be pulled out of it. I glanced at Selien silently tell her to let me try. "She's asleep. She'll wake up soon." She hissed at me but the red lightened. She turned to Cassie looking her over then picked her up and ran off. I breathed out in releef.  Before running over to Selien. "Are you okay? Were you hurt?" Selien was imediatly looking me over. I smiled just hugging her. "You better not have a scratch on you." I mumbled. She chuckled hugging me back. "I was fighting." I pulled away then noticing a bruse on her neck. I frowned. "What the fuck!?" I said pointing it out. She smiled. "It'll be gone in an hour. Gone and forgoten." She reached to pet my hair down. I frowned. "How's the other guy look?" She chuckled again. "Like they fought an Alpha werewolf." I don't actualy know what that looks like. "So like shit?" She shook her head closing her eyes looking like she wanted to laugh at me. "Broken bones and possible brain damage." I shook my head. Sound good enough. "They better." I mummbled returning into the hug. Or I'll find them and kill them. I shook my head. What the hell? Since when did I become possesive. I've never been possesive. Selien held me tighter. Though I've never had this before either. "As much as I love this it's time to head back. We're still on high alert." I sighed. Releasing Selien, blushing realized we just had that moment infront of about a hundred people. Fuck my life.

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