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"Come on one bite." Selien and Walter had basically been begging me to try the spice spiked omelet. I did not want to share. Not because I'm an asshole. I do believe that sharing is caring. But food is different. I did not want to share. But they are being so fucking annoying. "Ugggfine. But I warned you." I watched as they cut off a bit and shoved it in their mouths. They immediately understood why I warned them. They began to chug their sodas. "I heard bread helps." I said casually continue to eat my food. Enjoying the show. Me and Jack just watched them freak out for a couple minutes before it faded away. Laughing or asses off. "How are you still eating that?!"  Selien questioned. I smile and swallow dramatically," I have no clue what you're talking about." 

Selien and Walter glared at me and my food. I did warn them. "I love spicy foods. So I have developed a very high tolerance for it. Not to mention I have a high level of pain tolerance to begin with." So after that very lovely experience. We just ate our food. We all finished it and when it came to paying all of them basically forced me not to pay. Not even letting me pay for the tip. I am a capable human I promise. My money is as good as any persons money. Though they kinda scary me so I give in. Then we separate heading to our dorm rooms. Selien tried to but her arm around me and for a second I let her. Before brushing her off. She didn't fight me on it just moved to walk as close to me as possible. 

I don't know why she is so touchy with me. Why she persists on trying to hold me. I'm not going to ask her though. She wants to tell me she can. So we just walk in semi comfortable silence. I want to know but I want to not know more than I do. If she's gay and she likes me I don't think I can date her. She's attractive, nice, but that wont last. She wont last. We walk up the stairs to our floor. Then we approach our room. I see the door, slightly open. "Please no." I saw nobody around with a camera. I rushed ahead of Selien and threw the door open all the way. I can't believe it. What did I ever do to deserve this?

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