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It's so warm, so comfortable. I pulled myself closer. I heard were the heater mumble. Since when do heaters make noise. That doesn't make sense. I opened my eyes to Selien cuddling me in her sleep. I was cuddling into her as well. What? Then like every morning I remembered what happened yesterday. The latest chapter in my misery. I can't believe they fucking stole it. The amulet was the only thing I ever had from my birth parents. I had no knowledge or anything else. I have nothing. In her sleep Selien has caged me in her arms. It isn't uncomfortable, she's just really strong and I see no way out of her arms unless I woke her up. Witch I honestly did not want to do. Not with her being her.

Though before I had to get desperate she woke up. "Hey," she said. She released me and I stood up moved and than sat on my destroyed bed. Remember two days ago I said everyone is either scares me or is scared of me. Well she scares me and I somehow let this happen. I let her hold me and then sleep with me. Next to me not with me. "I made a few calls last night. I know who took your mothers necklace." I I tried up straight. I stared at her face. "Mrs. Lark. She actually sent some idiot students to destroy your stuff as well. Hoping you wouldn't notice. Though the strange thing is that as soon as she got it she left town. Didn't take anything from her house. Just left." 

I sit and just, just stare. Why would she do this? How did she even know about it? The necklaces Jewell isn't even real. Or at least I'm pretty sure it isn't. I never told any one about it. Heaven knows I'm too afraid to brake it than to actually wear it. How did Selien get all this? How does she know this? "Thanks," is all I say," I just don't get it. Why take it, why any of this fucking bullshit?" Selien seemed to be contemplating telling me something. "I need to show you something."
"Selien where are we going?" We had left the dorm room and had entered the nearby forest. Why? I still have no fucking clue. It's nearly winter, it feels like winter. I like winter, but not because of the fucking cold. Selien seemed to be terrified the moment she told me she had to show me something. There was also the fact that she wasn't even wearing a jacket. Cause she gave it to me. "We're here." As soon as she said that we entered a clearing. Two days and she already knows this place better than me. The clearing was beautiful I'll give her that, though Selien's behavior tells me it was not what she wanted to show me. "I have to show you this to explain what is going on. So that you'll believe me. I hope you accept me but I won't force you. I just ask that you wait for me to explain. Can you at least promise that?" 

Well she is a crazy lady so all I can do is hope she doesn't pull my hear from my chest to eat it. I simply nod my head. She take a few steps away from me and closed her eyes. This is going to be weird. Immediately cracking sounds came from Selien and her body began to twist at inhuman angles. What the fuck! I covered my mouth to prevent a scream. I stepped back as her body continued to change. Her bones broke, moved, stretched, shrunk, and her skin and clothes changed with the rest of her body. I stepped back again and fell. I got up and I ran. I ran for I don't know how long until I fell again. I curled into my protective ball leaning against a tree. Everything went is silent. I only hear something moving threw the snow towards me. Quickly.

I shut my eyes and then I hear an animal wine. It surprises me so I open up my eyes. There a few steps away from me was a dark red furred giant huskie. The dog looked upset and like it wanted to approach me but didn't want to scare me. I slowly uncurled from my ball and began to reach my hand out to it. The dog moved closer to me. I froze when it moved but didn't retract. The dog is beautiful. I started to realize that because of it's size it's not a Huskie. It's a wolf. I nearly started to run again. But well I'm lost now and with that though the wolf put it's chin in my hand. It looks a bit familiar. I gasp when I looked into it's eyes. I know those eyes. "Selien?"

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